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Affirmation Tea - August 2021

Helloooo community friends! I hope you all are doing well and are making time to create awe-inspiring moments as they truly are a balm for the soul 🤗


This month's affirmation tea will focus on building resilience. Resilience is defined as the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. It is a skill that takes practice for most of us. Cultivating a positive mindset isn't always easy, but it's possible to find joy and courage in the face of hardships and setbacks. One way to build resilience is by embracing optimism. Looking for the positive in the negative, which leads me to this week's affirmation ⬇️


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While life certainly presents challenges, it's also a beautiful, wild ride. We only have one life to live, and I'm grateful to be here right now. As Prince sang, "Are we gonna let the elevator bring us down? Oh no, let's go!"


To affirm for yourself, reply with 🌠 or "yes."


It's almost the weekend! Hope you all have a glorious end to the week 💜


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Happy last day of August, affirmation tea-ers! Summer always flies by 🦋 I hope you all are soaking up the last days of the season! The rise of the delta variant in the last month has had me reverting back to pre-vaccine behaviors. While it's been stressful, I've also found that spending time with family and friends outdoors has been really wonderful for my soul. I've also found safe ways to volunteer in my community, and that always fills my cup!


Cultivating social connections is one way to become more resilient. Social connection is vital to our overall health. While we aren't able to socialize like we were before COVID, it's still possible to creatively foster relationships. I think of all of you as my friends, and I adore hearing from each of you every week! Now, for this week's affirmation ⬇️


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How do your relationships help you grow? Do you have a lot of friends or just a few meaningful relationships? I'm someone that has a small inner circle, but those I surround myself with are people I trust and can be myself fully with.


To affirm for yourself, reply with 💛 or "yes."


See y'all online! 💜


Visit AARP® Staying Sharp® today for more brain health tools!

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Hi there, community! It's the end of the week, and I'm so ready for the weekend! One thing I'm really looking forward to is watercoloring. I started exploring watercolor as a medium last summer, and I've really been enjoying it. It has allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and has encouraged me to embrace unpredictability since water cannot always be controlled.


Learning a new skill and getting outside of your comfort zone could help grow brain cells and their connections...isn't that fascinating!? While these times have been incredibly challenging, one bright light has been the opportunity to cultivate new skills and deepen my creativity. I hope you have found something that brings you this joy. Stretching your mental agility is one way to become more resilient, and that leads me to this week's affirmation ⬇️


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How do you cultivate an openness to new experiences? How do you embrace the unfamiliar and unknown?


To affirm for yourself, reply with 👐 or "yes."


Sending you all good vibes! Until next week 💜


Visit AARP® Staying Sharp® today for more brain health tools!

Periodic Contributor

Hi Community,   The Falling Model, and the best part is the two newscasters wheezing away in response; the female 'caster completely deadpan:  Well you are just ticked by that aren't you? thanks for that!  A favorite of mine and this is really a relic, is also on UTube and is an old Carol Burnett show where the guys gets a mistaken "dog vaccination" and "turns into" a dog, literally sniffing all over his guests -  his BOSS and the boss's wife. The whole Burnett ensemble at that time always had me laughing like a loon.  I think that one had me on the floor. The other one is when Burnett, as a Princess, cannot get into the castle.  You have to see it.  Again, I nearly went wee wee.  Well on that note, thanks!!

Enjoy your watercolors and may it bring you peace and some new decor to display  : )

Community Manager
Community Manager

Those wheezes get me every time!! I'm going to look up the Carol Burnett show videos! I definitely need more laugh therapy in my life 😁

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Periodic Contributor

Hello Community,   Thinking of how long my life has been that Charlie Watts Rolling Stones Drummer's face in the news is almost like seeing a member of the family, weird I know but it was like seeing that face, the little smile, an older photo of Charlie at his drumkit.  Bittersweet. Old Uncle Charlie our music guy.  My affirmation is that simply I will continue to be resilient in however I have to be that way.  I am a bit sorrowful sometimes when I recall acquaintances used to comment "you're such a happy person"  and "you always eat such healthy food"  and neither of these are true these days.  But I muddle along, doing all that I can.  I like to have a laugh and occasionally, it happens.  That's it for right now.  I would like to feel less "numb" but hey, it kind of works. The night time (which I used to adore to see friends and stir up mischief)  is often very long in covid and it is difficult to not run outside and SCREAM.  But other than that, I am behaving myself fairly well. It is difficult to think that if I broke down and drove a few hours to see my good friend, that upon a hug and a day or so visit, we could get covid.  So that is unsettling.  Vaccinated, masked, stowed away in my home,  working, worrying. I am grateful and I guess, STRONG.

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Life is all about changes @KarenH306633. Even though you may not be that "happy person" currently, you still are that person in a way. Laughter truly is the best medicine. I always get belly laughs watching old internet videos. This one recently resurfaced in my life and I was crying watching it 🤣


Sometimes actually screaming is really cathartic. I have a juliette balcony and occasionally I go out there and SCREEEAAAM to let it out. Other times I scream into a pillow. I always feel quite nice after that, and I don't really care what people think if they hear me cuz it's for me, not them. I feel you on these ups and downs, though. It's been especially tough with the rise of the delta variant because it felt like we were on the right track not long ago. I'm grateful you're here with us, and I hope you find some comfort and solace in your time spent here! 💜


I am grateful for the chance to be part of this community and all the wonderful resources. I attended the 80s concert on Saturday and it was AWESOME. I am so looking forward to October.

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I'm so glad you enjoyed the 80s dance party @PamelaF637630🕺💃

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Community Manager
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Hi y'all! Happy Friday! I recently learned about the riot grrrl movement in the 90s and started listening to punk, which is a genre I hadn't explored much. It's been a wonderful journey and it's been fun to discover new artists and songs! Did you know that listening to different music than you are used to can be good for your brain? Try it out and let me know what songs you enjoy!


One way to flex your resilience muscle is to practice mindfulness. Being mindful offers a plethora of health benefits, like regulating your emotions. It definitely takes practice to become more mindful, but you can start very simply! I like to take a few minutes to focus on my breath, feeling my belly, chest and back as they rise and fall with my breaths. This allows me to center myself and is especially helpful when I feel myself getting triggered into a reactive state. Mindfulness brings me back into the present and connects me to my body.


That leads me to this week's affirmation ⬇️


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I've found that repeating this one out loud or in my head while focusing on my breath brings me back to the present and leaves me feeling grounded and more in control of myself. What's one quick and simple way you practice mindfulness?


To affirm for yourself, reply with  🐡 or "yes."


I hope you all have a lovely weekend! See ya next week 💜




I'm always thankful for Life and the Challenges I face. It lets me know I have more work to do by God's Grace and I must look for the bright side even when I'm not feeling so bright!!

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Community Manager

You may not feel so bright in the moment, but reflecting on those experiences after you've been through them will show just how bright you are @AveriaL735310!

Honored Social Butterfly

I’m Thankful and To wake up Daily and to be the best that I can to me and orhers

Racquel Evans
Community Manager
Community Manager

This is a glorious affirmation @RacquelE712599 💜

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Honored Social Butterfly

@AARPRachelA  Thank you 

Racquel Evans
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I've found that it's difficult to be resilient when you, in essence, find comfort in being a creature of habit. Unfortunately, when life throws you a curveball, which is inevitable, it becomes a real shock to the system, even if the change is somewhat minor. It's been important to slowly remove as much structure from my life as possible and practice more spontaneity. I not only have found it enjoyable, but have discovered that it helps me meet and address change in a much less stressful manner. I don't expect to become a spontaneous individual, but I've found there is a way to effectively balance continuity and spontaneity in one's life.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

This is very good advice @Altecolote! All of us are creatures of habit, that's what makes us human! But it is vital to carve out moments of spontaneity and to appreciate the serendipity in your life experiences.

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I am grateful for resilience; once a few years ago, I was told "you are so resilient!"  At the time, I thought it was a criticism.  But as I have learned to work through issues and be confident that I will make it to the other side, perhaps worse for the wear, or perhaps better--I know it is a GOOD label!  And as we age, an opportunity to affirm ourselves and share it with others, is yet another tool toward recovery or improvement.  "Job well done" is surely worth a cup of tea.  and if it's Earl Gray or Jasmine, I'm in!  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@RuthY397265 being told you are resilient is definitely a compliment! When I get to a tough spot, I think of this song I learned at camp. We sang, "can't go over it, can't go under it, can't go around it, gotta go through it!" It's helpful to remind myself that the only way to get to the other side of a tough situation is to go through it and process it.


I've never had jasmine tea, but it sounds delicious!

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Periodic Contributor

I am grateful for the chance to prove to myself that I can take care of my self and live confidently without depending on another person for my happiness.  I recently lost my life partner  and was just terrified of being in the house alone or even coming home to an empty house.  My partner always took care of the bills and did the shopping.  I suddenly found myself without my life partner and then lost my constant companion, my cat Tasha Marie.  I suffer from PTSD and was terrified so bad when I heard a noise outside.  I kept a baseball bat and a knife next to me all the time.  I spent many a sleepless night sitting in my recliner. When I went to work, I brought my baseball bat and knife with me.  When I came home, they came with me.  When I ran out of toilet paper, I realized that I needed to go to the store.  I had not been in a store in a loooong time so that was a very scary thing for me to do.  I am finally at the point where I can sleep at night without my knife at my side.  I do still keep my bat close by but now it in my bedroom instead of the living room.  I can confidently go into a store without the fear of being followed constantly.  I miss having another person in the house but have proven that I can survive and depend on myself to do the things in life I need to do,  like paying bills, shopping and being comfortable in my house.  I am also thankful that I have a strong faith now and believe that he will always help me if I need him.

Periodic Contributor

@Grayling55 wrote:

I am grateful for the chance to prove to myself that I can take care of my self and live confidently without depending on another person for my happiness.  I recently lost my life partner  and was just terrified of being in the house alone or even coming home to an empty house.  My partner always took care of the bills and did the shopping.  I suddenly found myself without my life partner and then lost my constant companion, my cat Tasha Marie.  I suffer from PTSD and was terrified so bad when I heard a noise outside.  I kept a baseball bat and a knife next to me all the time.  I spent many a sleepless night sitting in my recliner. When I went to work, I brought my baseball bat and knife with me.  When I came home, they came with me.  When I ran out of toilet paper, I realized that I needed to go to the store.  I had not been in a store in a loooong time so that was a very scary thing for me to do.  I am finally at the point where I can sleep at night without my knife at my side.  I do still keep my bat close by but now it in my bedroom instead of the living room.  I can confidently go into a store without the fear of being followed constantly.  I miss having another person in the house but have proven that I can survive and depend on myself to do the things in life I need to do,  like paying bills, shopping and being comfortable in my house.  I am also thankful that I have a strong faith now and believe that he will always help me if I need him.

Shirley,  Wow,  your post struck a note with me about sleeping in your recliner one eye open -  I did that too upon separating from a long term relationship and having to move to a not so wonderful house that was unfamiliar and (like you)  hard to come home to after work all alone and know everyone knew I was in there alone. I slept on the couch not the bed, for almost a year, and like you, gathered a bat and pepper spray out of fear of ????  I eventually got a little dog and that was the shining light that worked; to this day I recommend this to anyone struggling with long nights, for any reason, at any time, little or small reasons. When that little one depends on you and cuddles near, trusting and all about you, how can you not relax.  I am just suggesting this because it works for many people, if you can, please consider this!  Also, the bills and such, you do the best you can, seek helpers for anything you can't muddle through, and you can always ask AARP too!  that is why we are all here, to be helpful and to gain insight into our common situations!!

Sending love and light also.  Let us know if it worked and give us the details, can't wait!  

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Grayling55, I'm so sorry for your losses. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Sending you love and light 💜

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I am grateful for something like a Affirmation Tea.  I do worry about my brain health, as I forget or misplace at least one thing every day.  I am grateful that i also FIND or REMEMBER something everyday.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

It's important for your brain health to foster gratitude! I misplace things quite a bit as well. I think it's pretty common, but it may be a good idea to speak with your doctor about it if you are feeling concerned @JoJo7047 

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Bronze Conversationalist

Speaking of tea, do you, or anyone else out there, know how I could make tea from my Chamomile plant ?It has berries that resemble small blueberries, but I've heard one uses the flowers for tea.?? And, what is Affirmation Tea ? Buy it or make it yourself ? 🌼

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Hi @ss11943859! Affirmation tea is the name I came up with for this recurring topic. I called it that because I was inspired by the meaningful quotes on my tea bags and because drinking tea gives me a moment to tune into myself and be present. I love the sensory experience of inhaling the scents, feeling the warmth in my hand, and the taste and feel as the tea goes down my throat. Affirmations also allow us to root ourselves in the present and practice self-care.


I've never made chamomile tea before, but I believe you use the flowers for tea. I've only had dried chamomile tea. To dry chamomile, cut some stems with flowers, wrap them together at the cut end, and hang them upside down. Once dried, I think you just remove the flowers from the stem, crush them and then steep for tea. I found this for more ideas:

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💜Let's go crazy! 🎶

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I've been listening to Prince's newly released album, Welcome 2 America, and it's been a balm for my soul 💜

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