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Don't believe that the OTC benefit is a benefit.

 For the past few years the Healthcare plan OTC benefit was a big plus. I told friends it was a great resource. 


 I logged on in the first week of the quarter to order my $50 worth. A little sidebar, you dont really get $50 value out of it unless your order comes to exactly $50. If you go over, you can pay the difference. If your order is less than $50, the difference is lost. 


What's my beef? I logged on in the first week of the new quarter to place my order and found the items I needed were marked as "Out of Stock"!  So, I waited until half way through the quarter thinking that would give them time to re-stock. I logged into there are zero vitamins, zero pain relievers, and a very short list of what is available. Even some of those are marked "out of stock!" This kind of reminds me of the old bait and switch operations - thinking I had a deal, I bought into it, then find out its not worth anything to me. 


  I've been "taken" this year with thinking it was a benefit. When open enrollment comes around I need to find a provider that delivers real benefits.

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I haven't had any luck spending my quarterly $50 benefit. I shop identical items that are in the catalog and am told items are not eligible. I call UHC and ask them to send me a catalog and I'm still waiting. I get mail from UHC every week. Never once did the mention that I should remember to use OTC benefit before it expires. I would like to know what percentage of OTC benefits are actually used. I personally do not believe it's an accident that it's extremely difficult to realize any purchases. I should write .y congressman. 

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Honored Social Butterfly


Changes are coming in 2025.  This is the new rule from CMS.  Here is the link from the Press Release. Newsroom 04/04/2024

(the following is a copy/paste from the news release under the heading as indicated:  


Mid-Year Enrollee Notification of Available Supplemental Benefits

An increasing share of Medicare dollars is going toward Medicare Advantage plan rebates, roughly $337 billion over the last 10 years, and the 2023 Trustees Report estimated $67 billion in 2024 alone. Medicare Advantage plans can use these rebate dollars to advertise a wide array of supplemental benefits, including special supplemental benefits for chronically ill enrollees.


In 2022, over 99% of Medicare Advantage plans offered at least one supplemental benefit. The median was 23 supplemental benefits, and the most frequently offered benefits were vision, hearing, fitness, and dental. Some of these benefits address unmet social determinants of health needs, such as food insecurity or inadequate access to transportation.


However, at the same time, some plans have indicated that enrollee utilization of many supplemental benefits is low. To ensure the large federal investment of taxpayer dollars in supplemental benefits is actually making its way to enrollees and is not primarily used to market benefits that individuals rarely use, the final rule requires Medicare Advantage plans to engage in outreach efforts so that enrollees are aware of the supplemental benefits available to them. CMS is requiring Medicare Advantage plans to issue a “Mid-Year Enrollee Notification of Unused Supplemental Benefits” annually, between June 30 and July 31 of the plan year, that is personalized to each enrollee, and that includes a list of any supplemental benefits not accessed by the individual during the first six months of the year. In addition, the notification will include the scope of the benefit, cost-sharing, instructions on how to access the benefit, any network application information for each available benefit, and a customer service number to call if additional help is needed.


So your Congresscritter should already be informed - 



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Honored Social Butterfly

@WilliamP874918 wrote:

I've been "taken" this year with thinking it was a benefit. When open enrollment comes around I need to find a provider that delivers real benefits.



You don’t have to wait until open enrollment next fall - you can do it NOW - available from Jan.1 - March 31 IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A MA PLAN - you can switch.  This period is called the “Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period” - Joining A Plan

from the link:  

You can only join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) or

Medicare drug plan (Part D) at certain times, called enrollment periods.


Enrollment period:                           You can:                    Coverage Starts                                    


Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period
(only if you’re already in a Medicare Advantage Plan)

    • January 1-March 31.
    • Within the

first 3 months you get Medicare

  • .
  • Switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan with or without drug coverage.
  • Drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and return to Original Medicare.  You'll also be able to join a separate Medicare drug plan.
First of the month after the plan gets your request.




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