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Honored Social Butterfly

Previous Subject Post NOT showing up when currently kudoed on individual page

So today 08/08/2019  and yestereday, it seems people are finding some interest to a post that I made back in June:

THIS ONE in "Conditions and Treatments"


Many of them have kudoed my initial post in the last few days.

These kudoes are shown on the topic on my profile of post made - several pages over since it was made back in June and I WAS a frequent poster until recenly.

The individuals who made the kudoes to this subject thread post ARE listed on my profile under the "Kudoes FROM" category  About Gail1


HOWEVER - the subject thread is NOT listed on my About Gail1 page under the MY KUDOED POST list.  As you can see from this same area in my profile, I often have older post kudoed and they show up -    An old one that showed up as recently kudoed is listed:


1 ‎03-06-2019 06:50 PM

Why not THIS ONE???


A Glich?  A Change?  Something about this heading of Conditions and Treatments?

Can you explain if it is not a glich.


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Retired Community Manager

Hi @GailL1,


In your "My Kudoed Posts" section on your page there is a VIEW ALL link in the right column. When you click that, it will show all of your kudoed posts (217 pages--back to 2014). I found the thread you mentioned on page 5. The posts are *roughly* in chronological order. 


Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@VickiM68 wrote:

Hi @GailL1,


In your "My Kudoed Posts" section on your page there is a VIEW ALL link in the right column. When you click that, it will show all of your kudoed posts (217 pages--back to 2014). I found the thread you mentioned on page 5. The posts are *roughly* in chronological order. 


Hope this helps,


I understand that BUT an OLD kudoed post that is activated by a new kudo is suppose to reappear in the section of my profile entitled My Kudoed Post so one (the original poster) knows that there has been some new activity on that post made previously and perhaps the conversation needs to resume.


Here is a screen short of (2) that are currently showing - The "dated posted" is the date that I made the post that another person is kudoing.  Notice the (Caregiving) one where the date I posted it is 03-06-2019 and the (Social Security) one where the date I posted it is 07-13-2019.


The one that we are talking about -

Gail1's Original Post - Conditions & Treatments -Made on 06/26/2019 A Person's Right To Choose

NOW has (11) kudos, all recent, meaning the last few days and IT HAS NEVER SHOWED BACK UP OUT OF SEQUENCE like the (2) shown below in the screen shot did.


You said  "The posts are *roughly* in chronological order." - 

The reason they are "roughly in chronological order" is because they had kudoes given after the original post - sometimes LONNNG after the original post. This is suppose to trigger a reboot, so to speak, back to the "My Kudoed Post" section so that the original poster will see the NEW activity.

It is happening this way on many of my post but not the subject one - which is important to me and evidently to those who are currently responding with post and/or kudoes.


The queue ( the order/sequence of the My Kudoed Post list in the profile) then takes on this new "roughly in chronological order" - inserting the old ones that have new kudoed activity -


  Notice the (2) below  in this screen shot that are out of order because they are (2) of my old post that have been recently kudoed - but the post that we are discussing isn't doing this.


Have I made myself clear on the problem????




Screenshot_2019-08-09 GailL1.png
















0 Kudos
Retired Community Manager

Hi @GailL1,


I checked with our community specialist on how kudoed posts appear. Here is what I found out:


The Kudos Activity page is based on the date and time that the posts receive their first Kudo. Additional Kudos wont change a post's position on the page.


If a user wishes to track new Kudos received on older posts they can go into their user settings and make sure that they have notifications turned on for "Kudos on my posts" then they will be notified each time a user Kudos one of their posts, regardless of how old or new the post may be. They can also click on the Kudos count on their posts to see who Kudoed their post and when.



So, since the post received its first kudo in June, even though the others are from last week, the thread will still appear on a previous page (page 5 right now), instead of at the top of your kudoed posts list (of which the 5 most recently kudoes threads appear on your profile page without clicking VIEW ALL).


Btw, we placed this post in the 8/7 Health newsletter to give it some more visibility, so people have been interacting with it more the past few days.


Hope this answers your question.




0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@VickiM68 wrote:

Hi @GailL1,


Btw, we placed this post in the 8/7 Health newsletter to give it some more visibility, so people have been interacting with it more the past few days.


Hope this answers your question.




Thank you - sounds a little weird in the queue but who am I - At least,  I understand now what happens.  I get too much email already so I don't turn on any notifications.  If it originates here, it all stays here; I just check it here.


Thanks for putting it in the Health Newsletter - the topic needs conversation and ACTION -

wonder if the AARP Legislative arm would want to give any views or supportive action here.


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