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Transfer AARP Chase Rewards card to Barclay Travel Rewards

I received a letter from Barclay Bank stating that they would be replacing my AARP Chase Rewards credit card with the AARP Barclay Travel Rewards card. My Chase card will be closed in Sept and the balance transferred to Barclay. 


Well, I don't do much traveling so this would be pretty much useless to me.  I went to the Barclay website and found their AARP Essential Rewards Mastercard which they offer and which is a true rewards program comparable to my Chase card.  So I applied and was immediately rejected because I "already have an account". 


I've tried calling to change the option of which card to get and was repeatedly transferred between the Application Process Center, the Relationship Manager and another (?) site. It was often difficult to understand the person I was speaking to and sometimes I seemed to be on hold with one line while another was talking. I was on hold several times, was disconnected twice, and told to go to for resolution but that site gave me a 404 error message.


I've spent over an hour already with no results and lots of frustration. Should it be this difficult? Am I asking too much of them? Not sure I want to do business with them now. 



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My customer service issues today just like yours.  Plus my call kept disconnecting.  I’ve already switched my recurring bill to a different card that pays more.  On top of everything else I haven’t received the card.

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This is a nightmare! I don't have the new card and I can't get through to a human - excuse me Client Relationship Manager.  I spent an hour on hold before work this morning and when I called at lunch to try again - Verizon could not connect the call. I will be asking AARP to pay my late fee and interest charges if I can't get this resolved by my bill due date.

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I received the card but can't activate it.  I tried online with the website provided and received a message that it couldn't be activated and to call.  I'm currently on hold for over an hour.  No communication on a delay of transition or anything.  Looks like I'll pay off the balance and cancel.  I'll just use another card with better benefits that are applicable to my lifestyle.  This was a big failure. 


It took me 1 1/2 hours to activate it online.  The page crashed multiple times.  My favorite was when it said the card was activated & tried to pay off the bill and was informed the card was not activated.  The card is paid off & the recurring bill is on a card that makes more money & allows me to use my rewards as I earn them, not wait until I have at least $25.  I could do that with Chase.  Way to go AARP. And I’m not renewing my membership because of this mess.

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Hi Mary -  After 2 hours and 40 minutes on hold, a representative answered.  I asked her to activate my card and check the balance.   She said she activated the card and that I could create an id online.  I was able to create an account online, but then still had to activate my card.  My major issue right now is that I mailed a check to Chase for $10K on 9/3/2021 to pay off a familiy vacation.  I kept checking and the payment wasn't processed.  I thought that no payments would be processed after 9/16/2021 so I was about to cancel the check.  As of today 9/20/21, the check was cashed by Chase but the payment has NOT been provided to Barclays.  I tried to call Chase and they won't accept a call since they have already cancelled the credit card and say they have no record of my account.  Now I have to track down the payment.   This should not be how a credit card transfer is handled.  I have worked on full business transfers that have gone smoother.  I'm very dissappointed and unfortunately have to continue to track this payment transfer. 

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update - Chase did transfer my last payment to Barclays, it wasn't smooth, but my transfer and activation are complete.

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Hi there, here to help. I apologize for the confusion! If you feel the benefits of the card you are switched to aren't the best fit for your lifestyle, Barclay's will be offering a one-time product trade option later this year after the transition on September 20th. So at this time, you won't be able to switch cards until after the transition takes place. I hope this helps to clarify!

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Hello janfromct!  Yes, I'm assuming all members with the AARP Chase credit card received the same letter.  Here's the thing which REALLY SURPRISES ME - the Barclays credit card terms and conditions include a binding arbitration clause.  This REQUIRES card holders to deal only with an arbitrator assigned by Barclays and that their decision on any dispute is absolute and cannot be appealed.  Over 90% of arbitrated disputes are found in favor of the credit card company.  I recently wrote to AARP management/board of directors and said this:


"As I understand the letter AARP sent to all members on July 2, 2021, notifying us of the program in place to cancel our existing AARP/Chase credit cards to transition to a new AARP/Barclays credit card, the new Barclays Terms and Conditions Agreement will contain a binding arbitration clause, with no “opt out” option.


AARP has been a champion supporter of consumer rights in the past and particularly supportive of fighting against binding arbitration clauses in consumer credit card agreements.  This new program - moving members to Barclays - is contrary to that fight and support AARP has given members in the past.


So, I do not understand why the AARP Board of Directors, or management, has chosen to take this path and include a binding arbitration clause in the proposed new AARP Credit Card with Barclays.  I for one, will not be transitioning to it.  There are plenty of other credit card options out there which do not include a binding arbitration clause.


If management, or the BOD, have an explanation for members as to why it is now in support of binding arbitration in member financial agreements I’d love to hear it."


I encourage other members to do the same.


Periodic Contributor

I agree with you. I will not be trasitioning to Barclay due to your comments. Wells Fargo or Chase freedom Flex or Chase freedom unlimited might be good choices

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AARP Member Benefits Team here to help. We certainly understand your concern regarding the service provided by Barclay. We’d be happy to forward your concern to the Escalation team we work with at Barclay for their thorough review and investigation if you’d like. To do this, we will need more information. Please send me a private message in the AARP Online Community by clicking this link and entering my username, “LakeishaT901230” into the “Send to” box Please provide the following details in your message:
- AARP membership number (or home address)
- Best contact phone number
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate you informing us of your concern. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


In the meantime you can also try the link below website for Barclay, and this direct phone number 877-366-0038.

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You’re probably addressing the OP of this thread. Just FYI, I also lodged a ticket with CS on my issue about binding arbitration about a month ago now. Still no response. 

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Retired Moderator

Hi there, here to help. Arbitrations allow both parties to calibrate the right balance of procedural protections versus efficiency. Parties can also select arbitrators best suited to resolve their dispute. An arbitrator with relevant experience and familiarity in an industry could expedite the resolution of a dispute significantly. I hope this helps to clarify!

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