Hi,My soulmate of 48 years died on Saturday, October 2, 2021. My heart has a hole the size of him in it and it hurts so bad. It has just been a little bit over 3 weeks and each day hurts more without him.I met him in 1969 and at 16 new he was my fo...
Hi,My soulmate of 48 years died on Saturday, October 2, 2021. My heart has a hole the size of him in it and it hurts so bad. It has just been a little bit over 3 weeks and each day hurts more without him.I met him in 1969 and at 16 new he was my fo...
Hi,My soulmate of 48 years died on Saturday, October 2, 2021. My heart has a hole the size of him in it and it hurts so bad. It has just been a little bit over 3 weeks and each day hurts more without him.I met him in 1969 and at 16 new he was my fo...