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Tell us about yourself:
I love cooking for others and helping students. We are taking in a Haitian young man who graduated a two-year college at the top of his class and with top honors. He was staying with a family that sold their house. My son works at a college and has been doing what he can to pick him up and take him to school and home. We are taking in the young man to stay with us, so he can finish his education. He will be well fed. I cook every day! The young man wants to continue his education. We are going to provide him with a place to stay with us (I and and my sons). I love creating recipes (former cookbook author), so he will be well feed. I also surprise my neighbors with baked goods every now and then. I walk when I can. Have to stay out of the sun - get sun poisoning. Gloria D.
Area of knowledge and what I know well:
Worked at a college - so enjoy the students and helping them in any way i can.
I have plenty awards -- It is not important. What is important is what I can do for others.
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ispend my time healing others.  We will be taken in a Haitian studen who just graduated from 2-year college at the top of his class with top honors.  The house where he was living was sold.  we are taking him in so he has a place to live and I am a f...
GloriaD528157 06-17-2022 10:36 AM
ispend my time healing others.  We will be taken in a Haitian studen who just graduated from 2-year college at the top of his class with top honors.  The house where he was living was sold.  we are taking him in so he has a place to live and I am a f...
GloriaD528157 06-17-2022 10:36 AM
ispend my time healing others.  We will be taken in a Haitian studen who just graduated from 2-year college at the top of his class with top honors.  The house where he was living was sold.  we are taking him in so he has a place to live and I am a f...
GloriaD528157 06-17-2022 10:36 AM
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Date Registered ‎06-06-2019 02:51 PM
Last Visited ‎09-06-2023 09:08 AM
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