Never did I think I would be posting my story online. But I am in need of support. Let me briefly tell my story. My name is Scott and I am 24 years old. On November 22nd, 2015, my dad had a drunken fall and compressed his spinal cord, leaving him a q...
Never did I think I would be posting my story online. But I am in need of support. Let me briefly tell my story. My name is Scott and I am 24 years old. On November 22nd, 2015, my dad had a drunken fall and compressed his spinal cord, leaving him a q...
Never did I think I would be posting my story online. But I am in need of support. Let me briefly tell my story. My name is Scott and I am 24 years old. On November 22nd, 2015, my dad had a drunken fall and compressed his spinal cord, leaving him a q...