Just getting rid of the current debt will only cause a much bigger debt with no way out later on. Wouldn’t it be better to learn personal Biblical financial freedom FIRST? I’m just asking. Humbly in Christ,D
Interesting concept, but what if another hurricane comes through there this year in Puerto Rico? Or what if electricity and water is never restored? What if no one moves back to those islands? What if the cruise lines decide that their tourists don’t...
Just getting rid of the current debt will only cause a much bigger debt with no way out later on. Wouldn’t it be better to learn personal Biblical financial freedom FIRST? I’m just asking. Humbly in Christ,D
Interesting concept, but what if another hurricane comes through there this year in Puerto Rico? Or what if electricity and water is never restored? What if no one moves back to those islands? What if the cruise lines decide that their tourists don’t...
Just getting rid of the current debt will only cause a much bigger debt with no way out later on. Wouldn’t it be better to learn personal Biblical financial freedom FIRST? I’m just asking. Humbly in Christ,D
Interesting concept, but what if another hurricane comes through there this year in Puerto Rico? Or what if electricity and water is never restored? What if no one moves back to those islands? What if the cruise lines decide that their tourists don’t...