Hi Julene! What a wonderful way to live your career, musically! 🙂 Question, Do you have any leads for me a Stoke survivor/ musician. As it pertains to rehabilitation? Thank you.
Hi, Without a doubt music is one of the greatest gifts in life. I've been a dancer and professional singer since my teens. Of import here, however is my somatic experience with music since my life was turned upside down on June, 22, 2013 when I suf...
Hi Julene! What a wonderful way to live your career, musically! 🙂 Question, Do you have any leads for me a Stoke survivor/ musician. As it pertains to rehabilitation? Thank you.
Hi, Without a doubt music is one of the greatest gifts in life. I've been a dancer and professional singer since my teens. Of import here, however is my somatic experience with music since my life was turned upside down on June, 22, 2013 when I suf...
Hi Julene! What a wonderful way to live your career, musically! 🙂 Question, Do you have any leads for me a Stoke survivor/ musician. As it pertains to rehabilitation? Thank you.
Hi, Without a doubt music is one of the greatest gifts in life. I've been a dancer and professional singer since my teens. Of import here, however is my somatic experience with music since my life was turned upside down on June, 22, 2013 when I suf...