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Test or resources that help you find a career that you are passionate about

I'm currently looking for any resources that would help me find my purpose in my career. In my current position as a Creative Director, I'm not sure if I genuinely love what I'm doing or if it's the company that I do it for. I'm looking for any suggestions to put me on the right track.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@KoryL768618 I have no idea what a creative director does. I have looked it up online, but it's very industry-centric or even company-centric.  What is your job description at work? What are you expected to produce or oversee?

   I would think that you need to first:   be sure of why you show up every day to work, what you are accomplishing in short term and long term, your benefit to the company, how you feel personally after a day of work (coming home happy, looking forward to tomorrow). how you believe the company views your work, etc.

   In short, you first need to be very specific in your feelings right now --- do you think you're missing something?  If you're trying to fine 'purpose', you really need to be introspective.

   Then, of course, there are countless articles online about Creative Directors that would give you some ideas. 

"...Why is everyone a victim? Take personal responsibility for your life..."
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