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If you are still working, how did you find your job?

Hello All:


I have always used the paper job applications and the online job search websites but did find 3 jobs over my lifetime a different way.


  • WHILE IN COLLEGE. I am one who is always talking about my hopes and dreams. Finally someone knew someone in the field I wanted to get into.
  • IN MY 40'S. I did an email blast telling universities how cheap I would be/lol. A professor hired me. It was a temporary position but I enjoyed the experience.
  • IN MY 50'S. I was out shopping for steel-toed boots to work for Labor Ready driving cars for an auction. I had asked an employee who was setting up some shelves for help as I had no idea if the boots I was looking at were for men or women. Lol, I did not realize he was the Store Manager. While explaining to him why I needed the boots when he asked, he asked me to come work for him. It was a retail job I did with my auction job.

Looking forward to hearing from you!!!


I live in Austin, TX.  Y was a little over 61 years old, Laid off from a 4 star hotel in Houstonwhere I worked as an overnight valetand parking supervisor.I worked there for 5 years.  I was very out of shape when I started as a valet parking attendant,unning for cars and the like.  It put me in the best shape in many many years.  I lost About 35 pounds (and i kept it off!)So, after the lay-off, i went to stay with a friend in Austin.It was tough, but Unemployment compensation got me by.  But, in July of 2013, a fire destroyed everything we owned.  nI had to inconfienience my brother abd sister in law for 2 of the worst winters in the history of the Detroit area.  I worked 2 njobs to save monet to go back to Austin.A national retailer let me transfer, and i wasa doing OK, intil the boredom of the cashier routine got to me and i made a big boo boo and got fired,I was 2 1/2, and couldn't get hired abywhere.  I was always planning of working until I was at least 67. But I retired.  I was fine unti;l Medicare premiums were deducted from my benefits.


The job search website, Indeed< is a great resource for finding jobs.  I found a great part time job  at The University of Texas at Austin,. working in the department that handles the parking at various events (concerts, plays athletin events...) The maximumnumbers this positioncan work is 19 hours per week, no benefits.I love it!  Working outside and in the college atmosphere is very stimulating. But there are a lot of jobs on Indeed, and I had to turn down several jobs after I was hired 10 1/2 months ago.


Rgat's my "E True Texas Story"  LOL

Social Butterfly

I went from CEO at a small company to CEO at a large company because they had heard about my success, expertise, and industry knowledge.  My reputation got me that job which paid almost double with bonuses and a liberal golden parachute.

0 Kudos

Retired from UIC after 31 years at the age of 51. Most work done at undergraduate library. Always wanted to care for kids. 2 years later. when I was ready to return to work force, I found a p/t position at a home daycare via Craig's list. Also joined best decision ever. Within 6 months I became a last minute sitter for a family & they also had me fill in when their Nanny went on vacation. Got plenty of as needed assignments before the current full time Nanny position I now have had for close to 5 years. Applied for over 40 full time positions before I got this one. I knew my age would probably be a concern. but I knew, and more than proved, that I am hands on with children & play, sing, dance, etc. with them & not just watch them.


I found that something my grandpa once told me is still very true "It Does Not Matter What You Know, All It Matters Is Who You Know".


My job did not come as a result of the four hundred resumes and applications I submitted.  Someone I casually met, mentioned there was an opening where he worked and that he would help me get a foot in the door.  He did and I got a new job (Even though it paid 50% less than I was making before).


Patience and Best of Luck!



I retired from a large health care delivery system after 18 years and a total of 25 years as a Certified Medical Assistant.  I spent about a year and a half getting the house back in shape (garden, siding, paint, new yards, etc.) before I really had time to start doing some of the crafting projects I had started years ago.  I found out real quick that crafting is expensive!!!! 

After seeing a sign outside my local store--very much on a whim--I applied to Michaels Craft Store and was called for an interview immediately.  Had the interview, filled out the electronic paperwork for a background check and was hired as soon as my background check was done.

At age 68 I found myself with a change of career and feel good about learning new skills (haven't worked retail in 50 years!!!)

The job is not very physically demanding and puts some of my crafting knowledge/skills to work almost daily.  It provides interaction with other crafters, folks who are shopping for seasonal decor and kid crafters--I'm in heaven!!!

Gold Conversationalist

Hi Angela,

I agree with you wholeheartedly and support you in your pursuit of employment.  I live in a senior retirement community in Florida and know many retirees who work.   I have had health setbacks but hope to regain my strength and return to being a productive member of society.  FYI - medical insurance is a big reason so many seniors work.  My medical plan is expensive and is going up another $40 a month next year.  I have a $7,000 deductible which means I pay out-of-pocket for every medical procedure except yearly exams.  It is outrageous.  Something to consider carefully. 


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Hi @SIMPLEGAL I am sending healing thoughts your way for a SPEEDY recovery!!!!

Gold Conversationalist

Thank you Angela. BTW - when I was laid off in 2010 I was able to get a job with an elementary school. Schools are a great place for older workers. I really enjoyed it.
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