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Bored at work....

Litterally. very. very. bored. I am bored at work 85% of the 40 hours per work week. Now before you say I should get a new job, let me tell ya, I make good money. Sooo, if someone wants to pay me a large bit o'coin to sit at a desk and do next to nothing, why should I argue.  

I should probably use this time wisely. But I don't.  I have to appear to be working. So overtly watching youtube documentaries or learning a new language is difficult.  I mostly read newspapers online, look at Pinterest online and play games silently on my phone. 

I have 2 female collegues but they are millenials. They are young.  In my old life I entered the workforce as a young. I was fresh and smart and respected and I really contributed. But we moved far away and now I feel the same as before but that is not what I see reflected back in the eyes of my coworkers. They look at me the way you looked at your mom when she tried to talk to your friends, back when you were a teen and your mom knew nothing!  They patiently wait for me to finish what I have to say and then leave so they can get back to the important conversation they were having.  I really don't care though.  They are sooooooo, inexperienced.  They have no life experiences that make you interesting. The stuff that almost breaks you, the losses, the heartaches, the small victories, the appreciation of each small moment.  They have none of it. They are empty shells. Someday they will be interesting women of substance, maybe.  I hope so. 

So I search the job boards for a help wanted ad that reads: creative, crazy, logical, warm, wonderful, organized, beautiful mess needed to sell sunshine and happiness for a tidy profit. But until then, I reamin bored. So. very. bored.

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Honored Social Butterfly

I went through periods of boredom at work a number of times. Luckily, it wasn't year-after-year. It would be bad for months, half a year, get better for some time period, then back to boring. Same situation --- you had to look busy. I worked with a guy that was in the same position and he always liked to say that 'looking busy was the hardest job he ever had'. And yes, we made good money too so we looked around for new positions.

   I don't have any words of wisdom for you. I put up with it because of money and because I had a life outside of work, I could deal with it.

   Good luck deciding what you want to do and if there is anything out there, jobwise, you can find. Keep in mind how many people are living paycheck-to-paycheck, or retiring into poverty. You may have to 'suck it up' to ensure you have a solid financial future.

"...Why is everyone a victim? Take personal responsibility for your life..."
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Gold Conversationalist

When did your working life become so boring?   Moving thru life is much more challenging than just waiting for retirement.  I found having meaningful conversations or relationships at work are seldom deep as most folks just want to pass the time until they can go home.


@ab8036 wrote:

Litterally. very. very. bored. I am bored at work 85% of the 40 hours per work week. Now before you say I should get a new job, let me tell ya, I make good money. Sooo, if someone wants to pay me a large bit o'coin to sit at a desk and do next to nothing, why should I argue.  

I should probably use this time wisely. But I don't.  I have to appear to be working. So overtly watching youtube documentaries or learning a new language is difficult.  I mostly read newspapers online, look at Pinterest online and play games silently on my phone. 

I have 2 female collegues but they are millenials. They are young.  In my old life I entered the workforce as a young. I was fresh and smart and respected and I really contributed. But we moved far away and now I feel the same as before but that is not what I see reflected back in the eyes of my coworkers. They look at me the way you looked at your mom when she tried to talk to your friends, back when you were a teen and your mom knew nothing!  They patiently wait for me to finish what I have to say and then leave so they can get back to the important conversation they were having.  I really don't care though.  They are sooooooo, inexperienced.  They have no life experiences that make you interesting. The stuff that almost breaks you, the losses, the heartaches, the small victories, the appreciation of each small moment.  They have none of it. They are empty shells. Someday they will be interesting women of substance, maybe.  I hope so. 

So I search the job boards for a help wanted ad that reads: creative, crazy, logical, warm, wonderful, organized, beautiful mess needed to sell sunshine and happiness for a tidy profit. But until then, I reamin bored. So. very. bored.


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