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Guess I missed the excitement! You snooze, you lose. : - (
But this reminds me of an article this week written by Professor Laurence Kotlikoff. I have mentioned him several times in the AARP forums as an expert on Social Security and the compendium of his "Ask Larry" columns is a fantastic resource for information on Social Security (
So the article in Forbes magazine this week tells the story of a widow with a truly horrible situation with the SS Administration and, consequently, Medicare, the IRS, and who knows who else!
This all started when she called to alert them to the death of her husband. They obliged by entering the date of death incorrectly as having been 1 year earlier. This has caused all sorts of havoc with her SS benefits, Medicare, medical bills, and the IRS. They are all coming after her for some large sums of cash due to the error entirely on the part of the SS Admin.
If it was me, I would go down to the local SS office and handcuff myself to a desk until they resolved this by correcting their own records and everyone elses'.
For a nightmare story see
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