AARP Eye Center
When someone comes to you and tries to sell you a service or some repair work, ask to see their driver license. If they don't have one, or refuse - close the door. If they show it to you, check to see that it belongs to the person holding it; make sure it is current; make sure it is from YOUR state. Then use your phone to take a picture of it. Now, if anything goes wrong, you can find them...and so can the police.
This is a good tip... I personally consider anyone who comes to the door unsolicited, trying
to push of promote anything with absolute suspicion. It is illegal to solicit services this way in many areas, partly because it is stupid/dangerous to help oneself onto another persons property... and partly because 99% of predatory, take-the-money-and-run kind-of schemes start this way.
I would recommend you not even engage in any conversation at all with these people because
being this arrogant and presumptuous already means they obviously do not respect you or your property.
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