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MOTHERS's Day - Music Blog and Spotify Playlist in Celebration of Mothers


MOTHERS's Day - Music Blog and Spotify Playlist in Celebration of Mothers

Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother figure in a family as well as motherhood itself.  The modern American holiday had its origins in response to the Civil War, with peace activist and suffragette Julia Ward Howe, the writing of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, urging in 1870 the creation of a “Mother’s Day For Peace.”.  Anna Jarvis, another peace activist and suffragette, 1907 organized the first Mother’s Day service of worship and celebration at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, WV.  In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating Mother's Day, held on the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honor mothers.  And by the early 1920s Hallmark Cards among other companies started selling Mother's Day cards. 


Mother’s Day is the centerpiece of my blog this week.  It begins with songs in celebration of mothers and their significance in our lives.   Additionally it includes songs containing the words “Mother” and “Mama,” such as Paul Simon’s “Mother & Child Reunion,” The Rolling Stones’ “Mother’s Little Helper,” John Lennon’s “Mother,” Pink Floyd’s “Mother,” Genesis’ “Mama,” Ozzy Ozbourne’s “Mama, I’m Coming Home,” Elton John’s “Mama Can’t Buy You Love,” Loggins & Messina’s “Your Mama Don’t Dance,” Three Dog Night’s “Mama Told Me Not To Come,” Abba’s “Mamma Mia.” 


There are other songs that less pertain to motherhood itself, but reference mothers, such as The Miracles “Shop Around” – “my mama told me you gotta shop around…” or perhaps most famously Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody” – “Mama, oooh, didn’t mean to make you cry…”. Some songs lament a life unfulfilled by all that a mother could be.  While they can be so heart-wrenching to listen to, I think they further highlight the importance of a loving, caring, nurturing mother in our lives, and the sadness and emptiness felt in the absence of such a figure.


Reach out to those moms in your life, and let them know how you feel, how much you care, how much you love them.  And if your mom, grandmother, or other mother figure has left this world, say a special prayer, while recalling the wonderful memories of times spent together.  If you have strained or estranged relationships, try to mend them as able.  If they are broken beyond repair, work on forgiveness or at least finding some semblance of peace.


I hope that this music and my blog truly serve as a “revival: a new presentation of something old,” a springboard to return to the music of your youth, or perhaps to find artists you want to discover anew.  Rediscover the passion of music in your life.  Live in the moment.  Enjoy the moment.  Love the moment (and your “moms”).  Listen to the MUSIC!

Gold Conversationalist

Hi  @WilliamS68311

Just adding 2 for now:

“Mother Nature’s Son” (written primarily by Paul) & “Julia” were credited to Lennon–McCartney, while John wrote the song for his mother Julia, who passed away in a car accident when he was 17. 💐


Take care ~Allen 🌈

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Gold Conversationalist

Hmmm... no comments ...reminds me of a mother *(another) Beatles song “No Reply”  LOL 😊

Take care ~Allen 🌈

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Honored Social Butterfly

Love the playlist. I am a big DWTS fan and 

loved Derek and Kellie together as well.

The classic song missing tho is:

I’ll always love my Mama, Intruders

Also would add if in law songs are ok:

Mother in law, Ernie K. Doe 

Also no one sings about Mothers like:

Mother, John Lennon 🎼💜


Thanks.  Both added - not sure how I missed Mother In Law...

0 Kudos

OK, maybe was a bit premature - I remember the Mother In Law Song, but while some of the songs pining about mothers who met up to less than June Cleaver's standards, it seems a bit to negative for the list... Love my mother-in-law 😉 

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

What a lovely blog for Mother’s Day. There are so many songs about mama and mother, especially getting into the country music genre, it could go on and on! However, one of the more prominent ones that comes to mind is Mama’s Hungry Eyes, by Merle Haggard. It’s sad, but a touching and a beautifully written song. I believe that he wrote it about his own mother.


On the lighter side, I might add Hey Lawdy Mama by Steppenwolf. 😎



“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix

Oh my gosh, the Merle Haggard song is so sad I don't have the heart to add it to the playlist.  It is very worth a listen, but will suck the life out of the playlist, lol! Adding Steppenwolf.  Thanks.

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