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Doctor Songs (honoring Doctor's day)

National Doctor’s day was established to recognize and honor the contributions of physicians to the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. The first observance of Doctor’s Day in the US was held on March 30, 1933 in Winder, GA. President George H. W. Bush signed a resolution in 1990 formally establishing Doctor’s Day as a national holiday to be celebrated on March 30.


In honor of doctors everywhere I thought I’d use the day as the theme for my blog, songs with the word Doctor in their title. Such greats include Jackson Browne’s “Doctor My Eyes,” Van Halen’s “Somebody Get Me A Doctor,” The Radiators and Thompson Twins each with their “Doctor Doctor,” Doobie Brothers “The Doctor,” Steely Dan’s “Doctor Wu,” Men At Work’s “Dr. Hekyll & Mr. Jive.” Some harder rocking doctor songs include Ted Nugent’s “Just What The Doctor Ordered,” Black Sabbath’s “Rock ‘N’ Roll Doctor,” and Motley Crue’s “Dr. Feelgood.” And even though not in the title, figuring very prominently in the lyrics Robert Palmers “Bad Case of Loving You” – “doctor, doctor give me the news, I’ve got a bad case of loving you.”


I encourage you to use this day to reach out to and thank the doctors who have made a difference in your life, to whom you entrust your life.


I hope that this music and my blog truly serve as a “revival: a new presentation of something old,” a springboard to return to the music of your youth, or perhaps to find artists you want to discover anew. Rediscover the passion of music in your life. Live in the moment. Enjoy the moment. Love the moment. Listen to the MUSIC!

Honored Social Butterfly

Great playlist! Happy belated Doctors Day!

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