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Catching Up!


Hello to the Community!

What a wonderful Summer we’re having. The weather reminds me of the

Summers when I was younger. The heat has been intense and will burn

even with the best Sun Screen. 


Well, I have had so many things to happen in my Family and my gardening 

has gotten off to a slow start. I must put something in my Raised Garden. Since

I started late, I will have more of a Fall Garden. My tomatoes and peppers are

just loaded! Started seeds inside and planted them when they were growing out

of the container. Planted everything in my garden and for two weeks we had rain storms and floods. So, I have to start in the Fall. Plants were drowned and the surviving ones were so bent over. I will have a garden because it’s FUN!


Hope the Community is taking care and drinking lots of water!

Stay Safe and Embrace the weather. The cool nights are “delightful.” No AC!

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