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๐ฃby Patricia Amend, AARP, Updated March 1, 2023.
Thank you,
Nicole ๐ด๐ต (Retirement Forum)
As I have stated in other threads regarding finances, I am not in favor of others managing MY money.
Many financial planners are out to increase their income, not yours.
When two financial planners are presented with your situation, they may easily provide opposite opinions as to your future financial plans. One has to be wrong.
One of the recommendations in the article is to consider long term care insurance.
There have been many articles regarding that subject, noting that older people have been abused financially by the companies that offer that product. They raise the premiums until they are unaffordable. If you discontinue paying premiums because of the huge increases, you lose not only your coverage but, many times you lose what you have already paid in premiums.
Even the writer of the AARP article itself is called into question. The person has no education in finance, is a freelance writer that has done everything from being a tour guide to being a laundry room/shower room supervisor.
I think I'll make my own decisions. If I make a mistake, I would have no one to blame but myself.
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