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Gold Conversationalist

The problems continue into December as they have for most of the year....

Hi y’all

The problems continue into December as they have for most of the year....

Just the latest.... while trying to see my points & activity...all blank....

& total savings it said undefined...

my points and activity...all blank.... total savings said points and activity...all blank.... total savings said undefined...

later on ....they came back to reality LOL 😃

Next ...the dreaded Sorry, no points this time ....

the dreaded Sorry, no points this timethe dreaded Sorry, no points this time

yes... most times it will eventually show up...but once again another NO POINTS NEVER showed up.... it was for real this time...I couldn’t waste any more time re-watching the same stoooopid video 😞....It’s unbelievable that we still don’t even know when the errors are valid...or the points are just delayed....

Next while trying to access extra credit I get: “We are currently experiencing technical difficulties in fetching your extra credit.....BLAH BLAH BLAH

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties in fetching your extra credit.....BLAH BLAH BLAHWe are currently experiencing technical difficulties in fetching your extra credit.....BLAH BLAH BLAH

Next while trying to redeem instant win get We are currently experiencing delays .....BLAH BLAH BLAH

We are currently experiencing delays .....BLAH BLAH BLAHWe are currently experiencing delays .....BLAH BLAH BLAH

>>>>> went thru ....the other instant win I had to look into transactions to see it’s not there & had to re enter

Next while trying to redeem sweeps get NaN entries in total

NaN entries in totalNaN entries in total

How much longer do we have to put up with>>>>>We are currently experiencing technical difficulties Thank you for your patience.” 😒 wearing thin!

Anyway.... Take care ☮️ ~Allen 🎅

Gold Conversationalist

Sadly....add another:

An Unexpected Error has occurred...An Unexpected Error has occurred...

As opposed to >>>Expected Errors!?!? 😕

Denise asks: Which are worse...Unexpected Errors or Expected Errors??? 🤔

Which are worse...Unexpected Errors or Expected ErrorsWhich are worse...Unexpected Errors or Expected Errors


Humor helps ease the pain of this broken Wonky website

Take care ☮️ ~Allen 🌈

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