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Gold Conversationalist

October Extra Credit Question

Who saw a points only deal for over $10?   @rednexus saw a $25 Williams Sonoma card I did not see even though I looked at 6:30 a.m. EST.   Several were already sold out by that time so they might have been there earlier.   But she saw a good one later in the day.  I saw nothing even though I checked numerous times on October 1.  

I am very concerned that the same metric that was used on the old program has been applied to this one this month.   Only showing certain offers to members with certain point values.

This was unfair in the old program and even worse in this one.

Why should I try to get points if excluded from anything that would make the big time expenditure worth it?  Not to mention that points will be expired if we don't use them.  I make the donations each month and am glad to do that for such worthy causes.   I tried to enter sweepstakes last month but was told I had no entries after spending the max for several days.

Admins, can you tell me what is going on?

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