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Daily Videos....

A few days ago I noticed many of the shorter daily videos (3 minutes or less) are gone. Most of the daily videos that remain are over 10 minutes. I thought it was a glitch but it looks like they are gone for good.

There are still plenty of ways to earn points but I see that AARP has gradually been cutting back on the number of daily videos over the past year.  

Periodic Contributor

I also noticed that the number of short daily videos has reduced over the years. Most of the new Staying sharp videos are long.


Maria, there's an active thread on this topic over the in "Earn Activities" forum:

Gold Conversationalist

Hi Gary! @garyfish49

Thanks for posting about this...itโ€™s a sad reality of whoeverโ€™s in charge of the current program that they are growing more insensitive to Senior Citizens!!


As @MariaK113398 said: โ€œI see that AARP has gradually been cutting back on the number of daily videos...โ€ Itโ€™s not just that....the decline is everywhere on this shadow of what the program used to be! So now,... itโ€™s not only harder to earn points, but the quality of what they can be used for is miniscule...even compared to this time last year, with $10GCs, for say 15,000 points!

BTW: Thanks for the topic Maria!

Anyway... Take care!  โ˜ฎ๏ธ  ~Allen  ๐ŸŒˆ

Trusted Contributor

Thanks!  I see many of the daily videos are weekly now.

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