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Daily Deal Sneak Peak 12/2/2020

daily-deals-v3.pngAmp up your pet care by saving 52% on today's Member's Only Cyber Week Daily Deal - $25 Petco Card for $12 - Limit one purchase per person.


Grab it fast! New Daily Deals are available Monday through Friday from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. ET or while supplies last.

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Could no doubt figure out how to start a topic, but time is short, and this is probably spaghetti against the wall, so here I am springing to a different subject...


Some of the point only prizes, do of course vanish faster than blinks, but some linger for days.


Don't know if embarassing is the right label to apply to companies sponsoring the prizes that linger, but  if it is, and to fractionally reduce congestion on the site, not to mention giving an inch to those clamoring for more than 3 digital winnings a month, is it doable to allow for exceeding 3 per by making a player eligible to win one of the prizes above 3 within a month if a prize has been posted for say 5 days and is still hangin' on.


Example...Nike, 24,000 for 10 dollar gift is closing in on 5 days and is an example of something I might spend an extra 10k points on even though I've already spent a lot of points this month.


System might not allow for such a thing, but at least I got it off my chest.

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