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Changes to AARP Rewards Catalog 3/11/2020

In the face of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for this virus, AARP Rewards is temporarily removing the following travel and movie catalog gift cards:


  • AMC
  • Regal
  • Carnival Cruise Line
  • Southwest Airlines


AARP is providing information and resources to help older people and those caring for them protect themselves from the virus and prevent it spreading to others. More information can be found at  We will update you in these forums when the items return to the catalog.

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Periodic Contributor

Why drop the movie and cruise gift cards now?  Nobody could use them until those businesses re-open and that's not going to happen until the govt. allows it.  I have had some complaints since AARP changed their rewards and stated how it was going to be so much better for me.  Not!  This is another instance of your organization missing the boat on this perk.

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@sd1014 wrote:

Why drop the movie and cruise gift cards now?  Nobody could use them until those businesses re-open and that's not going to happen until the govt. allows it.  I have had some complaints since AARP changed their rewards and stated how it was going to be so much better for me.  Not!  This is another instance of your organization missing the boat on this perk.

It doesn't make any sense, but as you can see, reps from AARP aren't intereseted in giving us an answer. Just because the cruise lines have suspended operations right now doesn't mean we can't still buy these gift cards in preparation for future cruises. Heck, some people don't have cruises booked until 2021 and 2022. But they're not being allowed to buy Carnival gift cards from AARP Rewards for some unknown reason. And no, saying "because COVID-19," is not a reason. This pandemic has NOTHING to do with buyging Carnvial gift cards for future use. That is exactly how hundreds of people have been doing it for years.

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AARP clearly still does not understand how its members buy & use Carnival gift cards. A majority of us buy these gift cards for future cruises. We might be buying cards today for a cruise that doesn't happen for several months. We build up a supply that allows us to pay down a cruise balance, as well as buy a number of extras that go along with it. That's why the monthly limit severely crippled the usefulness of these purchases.


AARPCaroline, you didn't answer the biggest question, which is why? What does the coronavirus have to do with buying Carnival gift cards now for cruises that don't happen until after Carnival resumes opeations? What do you have against your members building up their own supply of these gift cards, just as we always have? Why won't you listen to your paying members who have been buying these gift cards for years? What are the CDC, or federal, guidelines that state retailers can't sell gift cards to businesses that have temporariliy suspended operations?

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Periodic Contributor

Why???? My cruise is not until November!!

Does that mean when they come back we will be able to purchase more then 1 a month? 

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Retired Moderator

@wendysue44 We'll keep you informed here when these items are back in the catalog. The same redemption limits will apply. 

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