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Amazon $25 Instant Win Game Hidden? 3/2/2025

Under "Official Rules" shows $25 Amazon Instant Win Game running from 03/01 through 04/01.

I can not find where to play it under redemptions.

Only 6 Instant Win games currently showing,

Honored Social Butterfly

Hi @LesL269823   - The $25.00 Amazon Instant Win is now available in the Rewards catalog.




@LesL269823 wrote โ€Ž03-02-2025 04:49 AM:

Under "Official Rules" shows $25 Amazon Instant Win Game running from 03/01 through 04/01.

I can not find where to play it under redemptions.

Only 6 Instant Win games currently showing,


โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘... โŒžWhat the GLITCH!โŒ ... โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘(ใฃ อก อกยฐ - อก อกยฐ ฯ‚)

Made of flesh and bone, not chips and blips.
Super Contributor

OK, so it was rumored, showed up late and disappeared almost immediately.

Wonder if that will be the last of it?

Wonder if there were any winners while it was live? 

Wonder how much longer AARP will tolerate the performance of the administrators running this program under their name?


Looks like they realized this was a mistake and removed it.


i actually see 7 Instant Wins, but one of these is for L.L. Bean and ended on 3/1, so says not available if you try to play it. The Amazon Instant Win listed in the Official Rules doesn't have a link, and since it says it goes longer than 7 days, doesn't look like a usual Instant Win. Maybe this is something new and just hasn't been setup correctly, but more likely is just an error.

Super Contributor

I started looking just a bit closer last week when things looked meshuggah with the last Home Depot Instant win, which I would intend to play everyday.

It is listed on the rules page to run 02/21 - 02/28.

According to my redemption history I played 2/20, 2/21, 2/22, 2/23 and somehow twice on 2/25. Now I do play at different times of day sometimes.


Big thing is it looked the game was only available to play on 6 of the 7 listed days.


I am pretty sure there have been other times when only 6 games were showing on the active rewards page and the inactive games do seem to be showing more often.


So maybe worth watching?


With wild conspiracies (or maybe truth) being published by sites like, stop feeding fires. Contest are governed by laws. Somebody is going to make a stink about this. 


I enjoy the games, quizzes and other content. I don't want it to go away I can live with and still enjoy the program even with the glitches and diminished value or rewards.

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The dates listed on the official rules page are all wrong.  They all show 8 days for the Instant Wins, so they show 1 day beyond when they actually end.  If you click on the Instant Win games on the rewards page or click on the link in the official rules page and look at the specific rules for the games, they will show the end date being 1 day before the date shown on the official rules page which lists all of the Instant Wins.

For example, click on the Papa John's IW game or click on the Papa John's IW official rules link and they both say the end date is March 4, but the official rules page says the dates are 02/26/2025 - 03/05/2025.

And you are correct that there have been times in the past when there have been fewer than 7 Instant Win games available, and when it was brought up in the community chat, the response from AARP was that there is no guarantee that 7 Instant Win games will be available.

And it is possible to have a date listed twice if you aren't on the east coast and play before and after 11:59PM EST. Again as an example, I am in CST, so if I play an IW at 3pm today on 3/2, I can play again at 11pm (which is after 11:59pm EST or 10:59pm CST), and both will show up as 3/2 on my transaction history. Maybe this is what you did on 2/25 with the Home Depot IW or maybe it was just one of the many glitches in the program.

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Super Contributor

Such a shame this thing is so FUBAR, It will be interesting to see if and when that Amazon game goes live and how long it lasts.

Please share if you figure anything out.

Thanks RenateW69623


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