AARP Eye Center
(12/26/22) Hmmm, anyone into this day? I know as we "age" 🙄, IF we are "still" with a significant other - the "romance" tends to leave out the Front Door, never to return.
IF you do celebrate this day, tell us about your plans for NEXT Valentine Day 2023.
Or what you like to receive?
Nicole 🙂 (Our Front Porch Forum)
Yes being in ones 70's our Valentine’s activities have naturally changed over the years!
Neither of us are big on candy for one reason or another. Mary told me a few years ago that she really prefer quality over quantity when it comes to candy.
Now that we are in a retirement center they will offer a very fancy Valentine’s Day dinner.They have a nice selection of wines also.
They may also offer a bus trip to a nice restaurant around that time.
I used to be very much into this day and I'm happy for and envious for those who are. That ship has sailed for me but I take great enjoyment in knowing that there are many lovers out there that revel in this special day together. To have someone special in their lives who has trusted them with their hearts is the single best feeling in the world. May we all experience it at least once. Great topic Nicole,thank you for all you do..
1 comment (12/26/22) Well, unless my Knight In Shining Armor arrives, I have zero interest in the day.
Divorced and very picky! 👌
But when I was married or dating, I loved when my man had roses delivered to my job. Oh yes, right on my desk for the other women to envy!!! /lol 😂🤣
NO dinner or chocolate for my hips thank you!
Nicole 🙂 (Our Front Porch Forum)
I always luved the " flowers on the desk " part. She was always asked the same question. " What did he do?" lol Its fun to get them I suppose but its also fun to send them. The look on her face when we saw each other again was priceless! Sending flowers on special days is great guys but do it for no reason at all sometime. A "just thinking of you honey" thing. Cant beat the feeling you get when you do.
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