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Part D Drug Plan

I've been on Medicare since 2016. Wife continued to work so instead of a Supplement plan I was covered by her plan for healthcare and drugs, in addition to Medicare. She is about to retire and I am  reinstating UnitedHealthcare Plan G plus I need to get a Part D plan. I assumed that United Healthcare would be good for that. Wrong! Their plans varied from $64-$110 / month. Cigna's plans start at $13.50.


I have 6 prescriptions currently. Gave all the information to agents at both companies. United recommended the $110 plan. 3 of the drugs (under this plan) were expensive and I would be better off using GoodRx for buy them. The annual cost (co-pays + premiums) was $3100.


This just seemed really wrong and overly expensive. I priced out all my drugs with GoodRx and came up with an annual cost of $592. But there is a problem. You are fined by Medicare if you don't have a Drug Insurance Plan, so its wise to get a plan.


The big surprise was that Cigna classified 3 of the drugs (that United didn't cover or had higher tiers) as either tier 1 or 2. I chose the cheapest plan $13.50/month. So the annual premium is $162. All of the drugs except one has $0 co-pays. I'll get that one from GoodRx with coupon for $56. My total co-pay cost plus premiums will be $218.

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