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Recognized Social Butterfly



My otherwise delightful three-month vacation on the mainland ended with my being hospitalized to repair three clogged heart arteries. Once back in Hawaii, I was soon reacquainted with the enchanting natural wonders in my neighborhood. The first walk I took in Waikiki was bedazzling. Everywhere I sauntered along the Ala Wai Boulevard and among side streets, I saw multicolored blooms on bushes and trees, resplendent foliage that rivalled the lush botanical gardens in Maine and contrasted with the drought-plagued climate of Las Vegas and Albuquerque. For a few days, I continued to marvel at the scenic kaleidoscope surrounding me on my walks. 

But yesterday as I took the same path, I was shocked to see that many leaves, plants, and tree stalks had turned brown; and abundant flowers had wilted. What was once so lush was unaccountably starting to shrivel up. I was demoralized for a while until I started my walk today. All of the spectacular vegetation that I had witnessed for the past week (except for a couple of drooping boughs in a corner of the Liliuokalani Gardens) had been revitalized. I wondered what had caused such an astounding transformation.  

Then I recalled that early in the morning, there was a very brief shower. It may have lasted no more than a minute. Nonetheless, I was convinced that even such a meager amount of moisture was sufficient to vivify the downtrodden foliage. 

At the end of my walk, I had a didactic moment. If any of us wake up forlorn or in a funk, it would be a blessing to receive just one simple hug from a loved one to start the day (not the smothering ones effusively given by the needy mother in the addictive TV series The Goldbergs). That bit of affection might enhance and enrich us so that we blossom during the rest of the day. 



Regular Social Butterfly

Dear friend, the Ninth Island is so relieved you're doing well; we missed you, Hoaloha!


This post is especially important, imho, for we older peeps; nature is so important for us to continue...





Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: “If I’d known I’d live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
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