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Honored Social Butterfly

๐ŸŒฟ It's National Spinach Day! [March 26] ๐ŸŒฟ


Eat your spinach! It'll make you big, and strong!  ๐Ÿ˜


On March 26th each year, National Spinach Day reminds us of the health benefits packed into this leafy green vegetable. Not only are there so many delicious ways that you can enjoy spinach, but it is also incredibly good for you!


Spinach is...


An annual plant, spinach grows natively in central and southwestern Asia. Thought to have originated in ancient Persia, Arab traders carried spinach into India and later introduced it into ancient China. There it was known as "Persian vegetable." The earliest available record of the spinach plant was found in a Chinese document. It noted that the spinach plant was introduced into China via Nepal.


Spinach is truly a gem in the wide world of leafy greens. This superfood is widely appreciated for its abundant nutritional benefits but is also a mainstay in many kitchens due to its versatility, pleasantly subtle flavor, and silky-smooth texture.


Spinach can be eaten raw or cooked and is available fresh, frozen, or canned. Is one of the best sources of iron.

And, an excellent source of calcium, folic acid, fiber, protein, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K. Is loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidants. Is also believed to help improve cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health.


Avoid any spinach with yellow or brown spots, as these are signs of age and decay.


Before eating, always wash the spinach thoroughly under cold running water, to remove any dirt or potential pesticides (unless, it's pre-washed and ready to eat - this will appear on packaging).


Check for the latest (US)FDA recalls here: Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts (use the filter to narrow down your searches), and here: Additional Information about Recalls. The last spinach/salad kit recall was on January 17, 2024, as listed here: Brightfarms Recalls Spinach and Salad Kits  [source:]


Types of Spinach:


Varieties: Savoy (curly leaf), Semi-Savoy, Flat-Leaf, and Baby.


๐ŸŒฟ Savoy: This dark green spinach has curly leaves, and producers usually sell it in fresh bunches.
๐ŸŒฟ Flat or Smooth Leaf: You know this spinach by its broad, smooth leaves. It's mainly grown for canned and frozen spinach, soups, baby food, and processed foods.
๐ŸŒฟ Semi-savoy: Its crinkly leaves have more texture than other spinach. Producers sell this hybrid variety fresh and processed.


Following China, the United States produces the world's second-largest spinach crop.
California, Arizona, and New Jersey are the top spinach-producing states in the United States.


How To Observe National Spinach Day


Shake up your vegetable routine. Throw some spinach in an iceberg salad & mix it up. Use spinach in sandwiches, tacos, pasta, or casseroles.


Spinach FAQ:

Spinach 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits


Scientific Name: Spinacia oleracea
Family: Amaranthaceae
In Season: Fall and spring, but available year-round


Q. How many calories are in spinach?
A. Two cups of fresh spinach contains approximately 14 calories.


Q. Can spinach be cooked?
A. Yes! Spinach is delicious fresh or cooked.


Q. What is the best time of year to grow spinach?
A. Spinach is a cool-weather crop, so plant it early in the spring for best results. Spinach does not grow well in the hot summer temperatures.


Growing Spinach:


You can plant some spinach in your spring garden. Not only will you reap the benefits of a lush green salad, but spinach doesn't require much space. Spinach grows in pots on a sunny balcony or small garden space. Use fertile soil. Plant in cool weather. Keep moisture levels consistent. Harvest and enjoy! You can plant again in the fall. Double the bounty!


If you are growing your own spinach, you can start harvesting it as soon as the leaves are about 3 to 5 inches long, which usually takes about 40-45 days after the initial planting.


Harvesting spinach is simple: just cut the entire plant off at the base or pick only the outer leaves. This will allow the center of the plant to continue producing. [sources: Multi-media]


Whatโ€™s Bad About Spinach?


If you eat spinach every day in excessive amounts (more than a bowl) there can be adverse health effects. Most commonly these include gas, bloating and cramps due to its high fiber content.


Eating too much spinach can also interfere with the bodyโ€™s ability to absorb nutrients. This is because the Oxalic acid present in spinach binds with zinc, magnesium, and calcium, hindering the bodyโ€™s ability to absorb the nutrients.


Individuals who are on blood thinning medications should be careful not to suddenly increase their consumption of spinach (as well as other leafy greens). This is because spinach is high in vitamin K, which can reverse the effects of anticoagulant drugs if it is suddenly increased in the body. That does not mean these individuals should cut out vitamin K completely, it just means they should be smart and consistent about how much spinach and vitamin K they consume.


Eating too much spinach can also be harmful if you have kidney problems. The oxalic acid in spinach can bind with excess calcium in your kidneys and create kidney stones. If you know you are prone to developing kidney stones, you should eat spinach in moderation.


Spinach is also high in potassium, which can be dangerous for people who already have severe kidney disease. The reduced function of the kidneys causes potassium to build up in the bloodstream, which can then interrupt your normal heart rhythm.


While itโ€™s important to know the risks if you have certain health conditions, for the average person spinach is a healthy dietary addition. When consumed in moderate amounts, the health benefits of eating spinach far outweigh the negative effects for most people.

Remember this? ...

[and, was I the only child that fell for it?! haha]


๐ŸŽถ Oh, I'm Popeye the Sailor Man,
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
I'm strong to the finich
Cause I eats me spinach.
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.

I'm one tough Gazookus
Which hates all Palookas
Wot ain't on the up and square.
I biffs 'em and buffs 'em
And always out roughs 'em
But none of 'em gets nowhere.

If anyone dares to risk me "Fisk",
It's "Boff" an' it's "Wham" un'erstan'?
So keep "Good Be-hav-or"
That's your one life saver
With Popeye the Sailor Man.

I'm Popeye the Sailor Man,
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
I'm strong to the finich
Cause I eats me spinach.
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.


Popeye knows. Popeye definitely knows. Popeye Eats Me Spinach [source: YouTube]


Popeye: 'I yam what I yam!'


National Spinach Day [March 26].jpg



Wait, you have something in your teeth...


is there something in my teeth.png


[Hey! At least I told you!  ๐Ÿ˜]


Happy 'National Spinach Day!' Bon Appรฉtit!

โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘... โŒžWhat the GLITCH!โŒ ... โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘(ใฃ อก อกยฐ - อก อกยฐ ฯ‚)
Esteemed Social Butterfly

Spinach brings to mind "Popeye"...

Trusted Contributor

I love a floretine omelette (spinach and feta).  My local place does a version with kalamata olives and oregano. They use egg whites.  Easily one of the best omelettes I have ever had!

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