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How to Treat Common COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

Is it okay to take a pain reliever before or after your COVID-19 vaccination?


If you're experiencing common side effects such as a headache, fever or chills AFTER receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, it's perfectly fine to take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve your discomfort, experts say.


But don't take those medications before you get your shot, unless advised to do so by your doctor, because you could dampen the effectiveness of the vaccination, said Gregory Poland, M.D., an infectious disease expert at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and director of Mayo's vaccine research group.


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also advises against the use of pain relievers before vaccination “for the purpose of preventing post-vaccination symptoms.”


Learn more about common COVID-19 vaccine side effects and ways to safely treat them: Treating Common Vaccine Side Effects


Have you experienced side effects from the vaccine? If so, how did you treat them? Share your tips by leaving a reply.

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Received my second dose of Moderna yesterday at 10 AM is now nearly 25 hours later and have had literally ZERO adverse reactions. I did take pro active measures though. Drank a quart of green tea before the dose. Immediately following the shot (by immediately I mean in my car in the parking lot) took two aspirin, a turmeric capsule and two benadryl and iced down the vaccination site for fifteen minutes. Speaking of vaccination site make sure you get the second shot in the OPPOSITE arm of the first shot. Then exercised my arm dozens of times during the day as well as icing it three more times and continuing aspirin and turmeric every four hours. Drank plenty of fluids, including water, gatorade zero and pomegranate juice. I also called it a day at 4 PM and got my wrinkled fanny into bed. I am not saying this plan will insure zero adverse reactions for everyone, or even anyone, but I GUARANTEE it will help. People need to protect themselves and not just get vaccinated and hope for the best. Good luck to you all.

Not applicable

June 9, 2021


@MichaelV395419 that is awesome 😁

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