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Are there ways to make my 2 Minute Mini Crossword game easier… or harder?

You can make your game easier by using the Check button at the top of the screen to see if your highlighted letter, word, or entire puzzle is correct. You can also toggle Autocheck on this menu to get instant feedback if you filled in a box incorrectly. Additionally, you can click:


  • Reveal, to reveal an individual letter, a word, or the entire puzzle – whatever you currently have highlighted.
  • Pencil, to draw in your letters.
  • Print, to print the puzzle and fill it out with pen!


On the top left of the screen, you’ll see the settings menu, which looks like three stacked horizontal lines. Click this to access:


  • Show timer, which you can toggle on and off
  • Arrow keys change direction, which you can toggle on and off
  • Skip over filled squares, which you can toggle on and off
  • Skip to next word, which you can toggle on and off
  • Increase clue size, which you can toggle on and off
  • Display clues as a list, which you can toggle on and off
  • Sound, which you can toggle on and off
  • Clues position, which you can click to toggle between Right of Grid and Left of Grid
  • Puzzle info, which gives some more information about the puzzle
  • Restart, which allows you to start the puzzle from scratch
  • Exit, which allows you to go back to the home screen

By using a combination of these options, you can make a version of 2 Minute Mini Crossword that’s as easy or difficult as you’d like!


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