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โ๐โLink to online information๐
Grief & Loss Team ๐ค๐ค
โถ๏ธHmmm, I am guessing my daughter could do this "online" when I dieโ๏ธ
The post officeโthey donโt need notice of death, but you will need to reroute the mail to the executor or administrator of the estate.
Nicole ๐
I knew about this and have it on my END OF LIFE LIST for my "only" child.
The Social Security Administrationโthere may be a death benefit that beneficiaries are entitled to. In addition, the personโs Social Security number will be placed on the master death list preventing identity thieves from using it.
Nicole ๐
Hi, it is interesting how we are on the same page. I am putting together a list of tips for new widows and widowers just experiencing loss of their loved one. The link to the site is good. In addition, I wanted to add some personal experiences. First, set up a team to help you with all the arrangements and notifications if possible. These tasks get complex and in your current state of mind overwhelming. Second, keep one notebook or binder of all contacts, discussions, etc. You can set up a page for each activity. For instance, have at least one page for discussions about the burial or cremation. It will help you with further follow up and keep all the critical information in one page. This is a daunting task. While you are going through it, take some time to relax, drink plenty of fluids and eat small healthy meals if possible. This effort is like a marathon but also the path is set with many quick deadlines. Good luck and thank you, OneStepAtATime for starting the conversation. It may help to have others contribute their experiences as well. Sue
Possibly to add- delegating phone calls to family. Notifying everyone is a daunting task with other tasks superseding that. My sons notified other family members and friends, freeing me to notify immediate family and deal with all the other grueling aspects. My sons and their wives went with me to the funeral home as well. That support was crucial
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