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Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day is coming up and for some of us without our loved one to share the day.  This is a bittersweet time with past happy memories and the realization that our loved one is no longer physically here.  I still believe he is with me in spirit and that thought gives comfort and some "happiness" particularly for the devotion and love given over the years.  I wanted to wish all of you the best for the upcoming day.  I know it may be hard but be good to yourself and please find some way to celebrate the day if appropriate.  It does not have to be fancy but just heartfelt for you.  Many of us are experiencing similar feelings and are with you in thought and remembrance.  Have a good day. 





Honored Social Butterfly

Thank you for your heartfelt message. I, for one, now hate V-Day and oddly enough, it gets harder each year. Never expected that. Maybe this year will be different

Silver Conversationalist

I agree. Its hard to understand how a day that I looked forward to so much can mean so little now.

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