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Shred events

It's sad that my local AARP has been unable to set up a new shred event.  I noticed that numerous AARP chapters in other states have been able to organize a shred campaign for their members but not here! Oh..and the UPS coupon for 15% off services is not valid--I was told by the UPS store that they do not honor the AARPP coupons except for stores on the mainland.  So if you live in Hawaii, there is no value to belong to AARP.

Questioning why I bothered to sign up for this worthless piece of plastic.



Community Concierge

@Pineapple2013  I appreciate you taking the time to reach out. Unfortunately, AARP in-person events are currently on hold due to the impact of the coronavirus, including document-shredding events. Since AARP local shredding days are currently on hold due to COVID-19, consider these alternatives to shred your documents to prevent identity theft:

  • Retail services: FedEx and Staples, among other stores, will shred for you; $1 and up per pound of paper.
  • Do it yourself: Buy your own shredder — one that’s described as confetti, crosscut, or micro cut ($35 or more)

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