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Bronze Conversationalist

Membership expiration date

Hello everyone 🤗 My question is for members that might have forgotten to renew their membership or members who participate in the Rewards program and that just let their membership run to the very last day. I want to know if on the day that your membership was to expire ( according to the date on your membership card ) were you able to access the rewards program as a member? Example ( Last year I didn't renew my membership when it expired and renewed it a few months later. This year I didn't renew it yet. My membership expired on June 30. When I tried to access the rewards program I was told that my membership expired. I chatted with AARP and was told that AARP could end my membership anytime on that day , not at the end of the day. ) I could go on and on , but I just would like to know if this has happened to anyone else.

Concerned Member
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Honored Social Butterfly

Hello. I would venture a guess as to how rare your situation is, as most members do not wait until the very last day that their membership will expire to take action. I think it's true, however, that due to time zones, your membership did actually expire on the 30th/at reset, not end of day. What I would like to know, what is YOUR concern here. That you may have missed a day of member perks? If I recall, there weren't any at that time, or, nothing new. I've tried to communicate with you, but it's rather difficult to do this, because I do not completely understand your goal. I would have hoped someone, besides myself, would have at least tried to assist you in this matter. Community help seems vacant, as far as that goes. 🤷

Bronze Conversationalist

Hello everyone 🤗. And when did you try and communicate with me.  At the moment my concern is you. Who are you. My point is the way this organization treats it's members. Are you on there payroll. When there's a contract between 2 or more parties , the parties are bound by it. I paid for a membership that said my membership expires on June 30, 2023. What makes you think that you know me. And it was the morning of June 30. Time zones doesn't have anything to do with this issue. Whether I wait until next year to renew my membership is my prerogative. I don't need anyone guessing about anything I do. I asked a simple question. Rare or not AARP just think they can treat it's members anyway they want. What I'm saying is something that you don't have to guess. 

Concerned Member
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