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Have been a loyal site user and advocate of many of AARP's quests.  I believe in most of what they are trying to accomplish.


AARP is a huge advocate for senior gaming on their site.  They say that playing games is very beneficial for us seniors.  I would agree with that.  Which is why is use the gaming site every morning for approximately an hour and half.  


Recently AARP has stepped up its advertising campaign so that now you have to tolerate an ad between every game.  I understand that advertising is important and a means to help finance this site and their insurance company.  BUT, this is overkill!!  It has never been an issue!  Perhaps the greed factor has reared its ugly head and they have decided to join the likes of our greedy government.  How very sad this is.


So, hopefully someone will see this missive and respond or just ignore it like our government does.

Happy gaming is no more!

Regular Social Butterfly

I've been using a free ad blocker (AdBlockPlus) for over 2 years; flash right through the ads without any problems so maybe 2-5 seconds between tapping "PLAY NOW" and game loaded (using Chrome).


I don't know if AARP membership is required or not (I've been member forever so not sure), but ad blockers do work.



Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: “If I’d known I’d live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
Honored Social Butterfly

@WebWiseWoman wrote:

I've been using a free ad blocker (AdBlockPlus) for over 2 years; flash right through the ads without any problems so maybe 2-5 seconds between tapping "PLAY NOW" and game loaded (using Chrome).



I second the nomination of AdBlockerPlus. I use Firefox as a browser for AARP's website because I had all sorts of trouble with AARP's website with Safari ( I have an Apple computer).


The original reason I added AdBlockerPlus several years ago is because, I believe, that AARP's gaming platform had been hacked. Not only were impossible scores being inserted onto the leader boards but strange advertisements appeared between games. Ads from Tata Motors in India, a PETA ad narrated by Paul McCartney with visuals of dead animals, and even ads that looked homemade.


AdBlocker got rid of all these ads in addition to legitimate ads that AARP approved.


I am computer challenged so when I say adding AdBlockerPlus to your browser is easy, you better believe it.

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