AARP Eye Center
I am also very concerned, given the adversarial political climate in Congress and in the country. We can see this based on the difficulty Congress has had in passing legislation that the citizens want and need. It is farcical to think that the issue of "sunsetting" Social Security will go unnoticed by the millions of Americans who depend on those monthly checks to live. We earned those payments over a lifetime of work. These benefits are NOT an entitlement program.
We got it done with regard to lowering the cost of prescription drugs; NOW its time to work to secure our hard-earned Social Security benefits.
@d376092h Good question! Strengthening and protecting Social Security is one of AARP’s top legislative priorities. We understand that workers like you have paid into Social Security with every paycheck. It's a hard-earned benefit and a promise that must be kept. You can count on AARP to continue to monitor any legislative and administrative proposals that could impact Social Security, and to fight on behalf of older Americans to strengthen and protect the benefits they have earned. We believe that any debate about the future of Social Security must be bipartisan, transparent, and include significant input from both the public and outside experts. If you are not yet receiving AARP advocacy email alerts, I encourage you to sign up for them at so that you can hear the latest news from AARP and join our network of advocates.
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