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Periodic Contributor

New MegaMenu is annoying

Trying to play games and it is very difficult with the new top menu.  Some of the games require a lot of mouse movement, and every time the cursor strays too far to the top of the screen the menu drops down and covers the game.


Some of these games are timed, so this is additionally frustrating.


Is there a way to turn that off or at least put a small delay on the menu before it drops down?

Community Concierge

Hi @RalphS985423, here are the instructions to close the mega menu:

  1. Look at the top right corner of the menu.
  2. Next to Close Menu, click the X.

You can also move your cursor outside of the menu to collapse it. - Diana G.

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Periodic Contributor

Diana G. - This "solution" is not a solution at all, and you obviously are not understanding the problem I am raising.  No kidding moving the mouse off the menu collapses it, and clicking the X  next to close menu closes it.  Really, did you think I didn't see that?


The problem is not how to close the menu, the problem is that it drops down every time you move the mouse over it, which is disruptive when playing games. 


The question is how to prevent it from dropping down and covering the game in the first place.  As I stated, some games require a lot of mouse movement, and it is sometimes hard to keep the mouse from triggering the mega menu to open.This kind of menu isn't really appropriate on a page for playing games.


Maybe the developers could add a delay - this is common and generally considered a best practice with hover based drop down menus. Not sure what the best delay would be - maybe at least 500 MS?


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Community Concierge

Thanks for your feedback, @RalphS985423. It helps us improve our website, our team is working on it. - Diana G.

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Periodic Contributor

I previously also noted this problem to the forum and got a condescending response to my email from someone at AARP insinuating that I must be a computer illiterate that does not know my way around a computer.  They obviously don't want to understand the problem they have created here.  What has been also obvious over the past several years is that AARP no longer acts for the best interests of seniors, but rather is concerned about making money.  Several of their recommended insurance, health and other partners are not the financially best choice for seniors.  I used to reccommend AARP membership to people, but no longer do because of the instances of it being obvious that AARP does not really care about the well-being of seniors.  I have to assume that it is now being run by young people that have no clue about the problems faced by seniors and choose to not listen to old people. AARP is in it to make money and too bad for seniors.

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