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I looked at the Communities.

I don't fit any of these demographics.  Can I still be a member?


David W.

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Regular Social Butterfly

David, nice to meet you. I'm Denese; "you were in my path"


I am as you, not in any of these communities even as I support.


So, it has taken me a very long time to decide who I am and what to do about it...


There is a film I watch many times and it is because it brought humanity back to me...


Here is the review I wrote (I am not "proud" of it; just my thoughts):


I have watched and re-watched this so many times because I've been drawn to the humanity shown, which imho, has been somewhat lacking in the last 5 or 6 years...

I won't write about the movie plot as I don't spoil, but I will write anyone who felt this movie was less than 4 stars should just rate and move on instead of providing their own version of what isn't right about the film.


If you want to feel a human experience (without having to be exposed to humans right now as Omicron increases) or if you've experienced loss due to someone feeling they were more entitled than others and your family, watch "Land", with a box of tissues, and know it will help you eventually find a way back...



Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: “If I’d known I’d live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
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