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8 Ball

If Admin really cared they would oust these same 5 or 6 people that keep getting these impossible scores daily. And I mean everyday. I run the table everyday 5 or 10 times a day I get 4 to 6 on the break, make 3balls in one shot, 2 in another shot only 2 opponents balls left which would give me 600 points and I would have only got 80000. These people do it everyday. Impossible!

Retired Community Manager

Hello, @ACB3, if your goal is to climb the leaderboard, the first thing youโ€™ll want to do is increase the gameโ€™s difficulty. Playing on medium mode gives you 50% more points and playing on hard gives you 100% more.

From there, youโ€™ll need to play precisely. Pocketing your own ball gets you 500 points; pocketing a ball without any fouls, such as scratching the cue ball, gets you 500 more. Of course, youโ€™ll get a huge chunk of pointsโ€”5,000โ€”for pocketing the 8 ball and winning.

Thatโ€™s just the start. The players who make it to the top of the leaderboard take advantage of the gameโ€™s achievements, which give bonus points unaffected by difficulty. Never missing a shot gives you 3,000 points; winning a game after fouling every shot gives you a huge 10,000 points.

Hereโ€™s the full list:

  • Lemanโ€™s shot (pocket 2 balls with opening hit): 5,000
  • One cue (win the entire game without ever letting the opponent shoot): 20,000
  • Double strike (pocket 2 balls in one shot): extra 1,000
  • Triple strike (pocket 3 balls in one shot): extra 3,000
  • Quad strike (pocket 4 balls in one shot): extra 10,000
  • Never miss (not a single shot that misses or fails to pocket): extra 3,000
  • Perfection (not a single foul): extra 2,000
  • Chain (pocket a ball after hitting at least 3 others): extra 2,000
  • Dumb luck (win a game after fouling every single shot): extra 10,000
  • Last stand (win when only an 8 ball is on the table, by pocketing it correctly): extra 5,000
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Points are not true!

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