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8 Ball Pool

Anybody that plays 8 Ball Pool should totally disregard the players that constantly get over 38500 points. Anybody that has played this game for any amount of time should know that there are not enough balls on the table. I have seen the point system on the game and it doesn't give you the points that it says it does. However there are some that have figured out how to cheat. I have seen 70000 scores so nobody can tell me that they don't.

Sure glad they are not winning money.

Periodic Contributor

Neal did not go anywhere.  He is simply somewhat bored by the game and prefers to play the way he would in a real game.  However, if people play a game as it is designed, they are not cheating.  Just saying.  🙂


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Trusted Contributor

No that isn't cheating you can move the ball anywhere behind the line.What is cheating is the same 4 or 5 people always getting their high scores. I break from the exact spot with the exact English and it really never breaks the same. I have played over 2000 games I have run the table 100s of times and only got 3700 points once. Stay Safe!

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Trusted Contributor

Has anyone figured out why all of these GREAT players with top scores don't even have names or even initials just letters and numbers? 

I still have not figured out how people get these OUTSTANDING scores ALL the time. And I am quite sure that you other regular 8 Ball players that only get 36000 points most of the time wonder as well?

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Periodic Contributor

@ACB3  .  . . . . ..   you're right about the score.  You have to run the table and get the extra 5000 points to even come close to the 38500.   I rarely ever let the other player play.  If I don't run the table I hit the quit button and start again.  I am consistent on how I brake the balls every time and on occasion, the computer decides where the cue ball goes and what balls go in. 


I limit myself to 5 tries and then go play something else.   lol


Regular Contributor

So, it's the computer deciding sometimes the force too...or playing for you...I don't  mind losing any game, but I don't like it when the shot goes off & my finger isn't even on the mouse button that controls it.  Oh I know.  I'm just glad I'm not the only one having a bit of problems in the games.  I usually win, although the computer does beat me from time to time...that's life, I suppose.  lol

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Silver Conversationalist

I play 8 Ball but seldom check the scores.  For me - I just want to win and I usually do, altho one time my opponent actually ran the table on me!   My opponent is generally great on the long shots, but does not seem to know how to play position.  That gives me a good edge.

I think my all time high was 36000.

Regular Contributor

Speaking of 8 Ball...anyone have the game make a play for you?  I didn't even have my finger on the mouse button, just was aiming to make a shot, but no wear near the button...the shot went off on it's own???  I usually win too, but I didn't make 2 of these shots that the game made for me...but, I don't mind if I lose, but I sure don't want the game making any shots for me.  Anyone know what's up with that??  I have learned one thing too, the more you win, the harder the opponent plays.  Of course, the longer you play pool, the better you will get too...yeah, he is good on long shots, but can't seem to make some simple ones.  Don't always trust the line that helps you aim your shot is NOT always accurate.  lol

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Trusted Contributor

Many times, I have also had this turbo on the break that happens and the balls go crazy or the balls go super duper slow. Yes, the line isn't always correct. But I am telling you I have played 1000s of games and I almost got 38200 once missed my last shot on the 8 ball. Otherwise, my all-time score is 37000 once. So when I see these same people getting 38000 plus all the time and have seen 40000, 50000, 60000, or more I know that they have figured out a way to cheat. As long as they feel good about themselves is all that matters. The lines work better a lot of times if you don't pull the stick back all the way. 

Stay Safe

Periodic Contributor

The fact is that like other AARP games, the scoring system for 8-ball rewards crap shots and other shots that one would not normally take in a real 8-ball game.  I first began using the on-line game when the Covid Virus discouraged actual real play.  At first, I was puzzled by the high scores, then learned the "tricks" which presumably AARP wishes one to use in order to score high points.  My high score is 41,400; the only ones I have seen in the 50,000 and up points have been errors on the website where people playing other games scores were counted as 8-ball.  I certainly agree that the best way to play the AARP game is to ignore the scoring (which I do with 99% of the games I play) and shoot the way I would on a real table.  Examples of points (that show that crap shots are rewarded) follow:  500 points for getting several balls rolling at the same time; 500 points for making two balls at once, 1,500 for making three at once, and 3,000 for making 4; 200 points for each of the opponent's balls that are made.  Certainly, these are all points that are not rewarded in a real game.  Other "quirks" is the ability to move the cue ball where you want it before each shot, no reward for sinking the 8-ball on the break, etc.  In fact, when the 8-ball is made on the break, it is placed back on the table, then sometimes disappears later in the game.  (Not sure how to sink the 8-ball if it isn't left on the table after sinking all the player's balls.)  At any rate, in response to the "tag" and other comments I have seen, you are incorrect about "feeling good" as I see no reason to deserve it.  I believe the AARP should be complimented for providing entertainment to its member, but would prefer an attempt by AARP to revise the scoring systems to encourage players to act as though it were a real game.  Regarding other comments you have made, while some others may devote time to playing the game to maximize points (instead of improving their game in a real life scenario), they are by no means "cheating."  You should apologize for labeling these old folks as "cheaters" and probably thanking many of them for their service.  JS!  Also, In response to your "tags."  Agin is spelled again, and is spelled an, and desreve is spelled deserve.  What makes you believe I am an "old man?"  I have not claimed to be Awesome nor is there any reason to feel good because I play a game using the scoring system designed by the providers of the game.  All in all, you should be a bit more cautious about how you refer to fellow AARP members.  You have no idea about the specific circumstances in their lives.  JS

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Regular Contributor

I've noticed a few things about this computer player too...he is great at long shots, but whoever created "him", gave him a fear of sinking the cue ball & also gave him a "him" when you are beating him every game...he starts shooting with "slams"...definitely gets a tad upset!!  I just can't get over a "computer" that is scared or gets upset at anything!!  Too funny!!  I definitely don't trust the line anymore either...definitely do a whole lot better & whatever was controlling my force factor, has disappeared magically!!  Now, it's an enjoyable game to play!!

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Regular Contributor

I wondered about that too...tonight when I played, I tried just that...not pulling the stick all the way back.  I'm still frustrated over the fact that sometimes something else, computer (?) is making the shot go, even when my finger is not on the button that control it...I'm still in the aiming stage & all of the sudden, the shot goes off...errr.  Thanks for the reply too...

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