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- How do Animals help you?
How do Animals help you?
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How do Animals help you?
Animals are a person's best friend wanted to share my service dog. His name is Dubby. I am Grateful to God for finding the right match. Does any of you own a pet? What kind of pet do you have? Have they enriched your life?
He licks my face when He knows I am going to have a seizure or a panic attack.
Thanks for reading. Please respond if you want.
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@Spring2025 wrote:(9/15/23)
Stop by to join OUR discussion!
Nicole 👨👩👧👦 (Friends & Family Forum)
Hello @Spring2025,
I, luckily, have an undisturbed(so far) forest backing up to my home.
I had three pets that died of natural causes, one's buried illegally in the back yard and the other two's ashes command their place of honor in my bookcase.
Back to luckily being adjacent to a forest.
During the time we have been in this house, we have seen foxes, deer(every day), coyotes, rabbits, opossums, raccoons, common birds, hawks, owls, snakes, turtles, toads, and probably other wildlife I can't even remember now. Sometimes I just sit at the table, staring outside, trying to catch glimpse of one of my visitors.
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I am pet sitting this Christmas week for a cat who sustained a foot/hind leg pulled muscle strain right before his owners went on vacation. They had to take him to the vet and then passed along to me the special care he needed while they were away. This cat is so adorable! He's an older cat who has been making improved progress every day with his walking and getting around. He started out limping pretty heavily because of his hind leg but this morning he is moving around much more easily and lightly on that leg. I basically let him rest when he wants to and I don't pick him up in order to cuddle the adorable big cat. However, when I sit down on the floor he walks up and sits next to me for a while, and then I can pet (cuddle) him. I don't want to pick him up and place undue pressure on his hind leg in the process. He loves attention and purrs a lot!
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My animals make me move. Let them out, let them in, feed them, exercise them, groom them. Just think of all that exercise just to take care of animals. They also give comfort, relieve stress, give love, and in general just make me feel better.
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I am a cat co-dependent and for 65 years, have loved having them around to keep me company and entertain me. In return, I make sure they are healthy and housed, neutered and not causing trouble to anyone. Watching them sleep calms me down, and snuggling with them keeps me warm in winter. I wouldn't have it any other way!
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I love animals. Currently I have two dogs, both rescues, but almost all of my dogs have been rescues. Flora is a 10 year old golden Lab whom I adopted when she was 4. She'd been kept in a cage for breeding and chewed her way out of the cage and was found wandering the streets. A Lab rescue group found her, and I adopted her soon after. Once she overcame her fear of everyone and everything, she became the sweetest, most loving pet you can imagine. At that time I had a large mixed breed and they got along at first sight. He died a year ago at age 14, and about 6 months ago, and after trying several dogs, we adopted a 4 year old, 93 pound German Shepherd with an unknown back ground. We named him Beacon, because he was like a beacon of light when he came into our home. He and Flora were best pals right away. Both dogs shower my husband and me with affection, even though Beacon's affection is a bit on the slobbery side. They keep us company when we work on the farm, and are always near us in the house. Right now Flora is here in my office "protecting" me while Beacon is with my husband. The dogs give us unconditional love, which is good for all of us. Then there are the three large goats, If I could potty train them I'm let them inside the house, too, except Beacon would eat them. The goats are very affectionate and love to be petted. When I feed them, they all nuzzle me, and love to get brushed. I walk around and they follow me like I'm the Pied Piper. Last there are the 19 chickens, including hens and roosters, and our new baby hen who was born on the 4th of July. I named her Independence. I once had a rooster named Peeping Tom who liked to ride on my arm, and another named Mozart who rode on the back of the goats. Althoug the chickens aren't as affectionate as the four legged animals, all these animals in my barnyard and house give love. I can talk to them and they listen without criticizm. They don't complain about anything, and love to be with me. What more could a person ask? I feel bad for those who don't know the love for and from and animal.
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Animals help me by not owning any of them. That way I don’t have to feed a pet, don’t have to clean up after one, put up with shedding hair all over, pay rip off vet bills, put up with their odor, get up in the middle of the night to let them out or worse, carry a poop bag on every walk, listen to constant barking, get bit by their fleas, and on and on.........🤔
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I have 2 rescue's living with me, Kato the Catahoula, Scout, the little Terrier-Rhodesian-Pitbull mix.
These two are my snuggle bunnies, they know when I'm happy, they know when I'm angry. My children were raised with Rottweilers and German Shepherds, I also volunteer for a local animal rescue here in this area, love my fur babies
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I have a Miniature Australian Shepherd and 2 Quarter horses. They all can make any day brighter. Taking care of all of them, walking and jogging with the dog and riding the horses helps keep me physically fit at 72. After a good ride on my horse, the rest of the day I feel wonderful, physically and mentally. My spoiled dog makes me laugh and cuddles at bed time. Animals are wonderful.
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Absolutely adore all my rescue Cocker Spaniels. Down to two unfortunately but there will be another in a few years when I find a good fit. I live alone with no family close by so they are my family and my reason to get up in the morning besides the same old drudge.
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Every time this topic comes up I have to brag on my five, spoiled rotten, loving dogs that are always glad to see me when I get home, and mope for me when I tell them goodby in the morning.
I have a 12 year old Golden Retriever who has become hard of hearing and has cataracts. I leave the hall light on for him at night so that he can find his way to the bedroom. If he doesn't eat all his food at night, I spoon feed him to be sure he has enough to keep him going. Sometimes I think he's taking advantage of me, but it doesn't bother me. This is "our time" together.
My Sheltie is the most disobedient dog I've ever owned. But at night, she lays by the bed and waits for her kiss goodnight and her rub downs. She's like a cat - love only when she wants it, but in the evening she's all mine to kiss, rub, pet and talk to. She jumps on the couch when I leave so that I will tell her goodby and rub her sweet ears.
The Hovawart is the queen of all my girls. When she comes home (if I get there first) she runs into the kitchen, puts her head between my legs and makes sure I know she's home. She can be pretty fussy with the younger girls, but she is a very loving dog.
The Queensland Heeler tries so hard to keep the girls in line. If she thinks they're too rowdy, she hits them with her foot and lightly growls. She's never hurt anyone, but lets them know she's second in line. Another very loving dog.
And then we have the Carine Terrier. I picked her up from the shelter and she was spoiled before I brought her home. She has this adorable way of sitting upright on her butt and flapping her front legs around. She knows where to sleep on the bed and she snores! And whines, and growls. She's a mess but has our hearts.
I know I can't keep them forever - that's not in the books, but I will love them, care for them, and do whatever I can for them. The love of a dog is unconditional, and it's forever. They are gifts from above.
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This is my second rescue dog. Poochie is a 5-6 year old yorkie Shih-Tzu mix. He appeared to be traumatized at the meet and greet and certainly did not try to charm me. According to the rescue group, he had just been fixed, separated from his brother who had been adopted the day before and he and his brother were surrendered due to a divorce. Further questioning about Poochie revealed that he
had his meals cooked for him by his previous owner-red alert --picky eater!! So far ---I wasn't sure about this match. We walked outside of PetSmart and I Tried to make a connection. He looked numb. I
spent some more time and against my better judgement, I wrote the check and took Poochie home. He let me know that he was not planning on staying long and ran away. A neighbor and his dog helped me get him back and Poochie continued to let me know he was not happy. Yes my story has a happy ending. With lots of love and Greenies Poochie and I have become a family. He's bossy,barks
at people he doesn't know (abused?) especially males, likes most other dogs and makes me laugh every day!
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My fur baby, Chloe, has helped me in so many ways. I adopted her from a rescue organization and the fit couldn’t be more perfect. I have a keychain that says, Who Rescued Who? So very accurate. I suffer from anxiety and her prescience calms me. I’m interested in steps to make her my medical dog so I can take her into stores and such. She loves that!
She has unconditional love for me, and visa versa. She’s my riding buddy, my cuddle buddy, etc.
she is a true blessing to me and I love her beyond measure.
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I have an elder cat that I inherited when my mom passed away. To me this was the most bossy, most annoying, most demanding, time consuming animal I have ever met. He is also the reason I get out of bed everyday since mom's passing, and the best thing to ever happen to me.
It has only been a few months since mom left suddenly and without warning, and my sisters all thought her "Lovie" as she named him should be put down as he was old. I couldn't stand the thought of loosing this loud mouthed oaf too, so I took him in.
I now call him Max, a more proper name for his looks, and he and I are learning from each other. I am teaching him that he has a comfortable bed of his own to sleep in, he is teaching me that if I am up at 7 AM to feed him, he will honor the new arrangement. I am teaching him not to be destructive to furniture (with success) by helping him be a little more active and less board. He is teaching me that taking time to understand an animal can lead to a wonderful relationship.
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I cannot even imagine a day on this planet without a dog! What could be better after a long, and at home (sometimes after an unpleasant day of work) than to walk into your home and be greeted by a loyal companion wagging his tail as if you were the best thing ever to happen to him. Whereever you go or whatever you do, he's in. If that means just lying on the couch watching basketball, he's good with that as well.
There is no greater "investment" than a dog, and every penny I pay to have him is returned to me a thousand times over. He is not a pet- he is FAMILY!
If you have never read the "Eulogy of the Dog",, I recommend it highly.
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My 3 cats are the most wonderful companions. They make me smile with their antics, especially the youngest one, Zander LeMew. He's only 5 months old and so full of energy. He's all over the place. My girls, Savi-Anna & Jingle are sensitive to my moods. If I'm feeling down, one of them will snuggle up to me & purr, which always makes me feel better. Feeding, petting & cleaning the litter box is so little in exchange for the love & comfort they provide. Life without cats? I don't think so!
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Hi! I love animals. I do pet sitting sometimes (a dog and a cat); however, the dog recently passed away from old age. He was an old English Bulldog that was absolutely loveable. Since I am older and he was older it was a perfect companionship to walk him and care for him while his owners were away traveling. One time I wasn't walking as fast as I normally would, and, I think he sensed it, because he slowed down his pace of walking for me. He was so cute.
The cat is old too and still living. I found his affectionate display of always wanting to sit on my lap while caring for him was a loving gesture by this old cat.
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@MollyKateri That's a great thing about animals: they do pick up a lot about how we are feeling and how well we are.
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@Lahayle58 wrote:
Animals are a person's best friendAnimals are a person's best friend wanted to share my service dog. His name is Dubby. I am Grateful to God for finding the right match. Does any of you own a pet? What kind of pet do you have? Have they enriched your life?
He licks my face when He knows I am going to have a seizure or a panic attack.
Thanks for reading. Please respond if you want.
@Lahayle58 Your fur baby/service dog looks like a sweetie. 🙂 And it sounds like he does a good job, too.
I don't have a pet, but live around a lot of animals; some domestic, some feral. I get to watch other people's barn cats hunt our rocky ridge of a backyard, get to talk to neighbor dogs, watch the championship horsewoman in the valley training, hear alpaca crying, cows mooing, donkey's braying and goats bleating. I sometimes get to watch as a nearby flock of homing pigeons get their daily workout. And there's no telling what wildlife I'll encounter each time I open my front door. There have been bison and yak herds nearby, though those fields are currently empty. We also have loads of local llama. Oh, and one farmer up the road is raising swine now. Right, then there's the chickens, guineas and turkeys afoot. 🙂 Never a dull moment.
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