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Gold Conversationalist

No points for games today

At least not at our house.

No points on multiple attempts for Word Wipe and Daily MiniCrossword.   The Mini won't let you try again but did try on one I had missed and it still gave that miserable SORRY message.  

@AARPJanelle @AARPTeri any admin, could you look into this?

I've logged in and out multiple times to no avail in case it's just me.

Regular Contributor

 I got points for the games, but had a problem playing them because the red banner at the top of the page kept hiding part of the games.

Gold Conversationalist

@je1020   Yes, the red banner has been out of control today, on games and even on this page.  I finally got points on Word Wipe at 8 p.m.  after playing about ten times today.  (I like it so I kept trying....)   Thanks admins or whoever fixed the problem.   No going back with the mini crossword as it will not allow me to play again for points.

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