AARP Eye Center
Dear AARP:
I read today you participate in the Subject & I as a Member have been inquiring to do the Flight in Respect for my Family members who served both in WWII & Korea.
I as a Military Child am not allowed to participate; post-humous the Veterans.
Oh but they want me to "volunteer" & pay $750.00. (volunteers pay?!?!?!)
Should I not "volunteer" to Honor my Family Veterans I would still have to pay the $750.00.
Is there something you can assist with those of us who would appreciate going the Flight on Behalf of Family Veterans & not have to pay for so much in Respect for those that Served as well as this Military Childs AARP Elderly Membership.
Thank you
Stay Healthy!!!
@LaurajW510385 Are you referring to the Honor Flight Network? If so, the organization was founded with the intention of transporting veterans to see the memorials dedicated to their service. While AARP is a sponsor of the program this year, we do not have influence on their policies.
Yeah Briana the Honor Flight Network where I can not take any of my Family Veterans due to they are no longer here. So my inquiry of them is for me to go in their Honor & they policies are a bit absurd-AARP can & does have influence with quite a bit out there.
Briana I as an AARP Member AARP can "sponsor' me for the program to Honor the WWII & Korean Veterans'?
Thank you for allowing me to ask AARP for it opens doors of "opportunity" where some can not close the door to begin with.
Thank you
Stay Healthy!!!
@LaurajW510385 Unfortunately, we would not be able to sponsor you at this time. I do hope you're able to visit the memorials some day!
Thank you Briana for your AARP updated information with the Honor Flight Network & I understand it is "their policy(ies").
Thank you also for the "hope" to visit one day. Hope is a good thing & one day will eventually get to my door.
Stay Healthy!!!
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