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taking a break while caring for a loved one

I am a single mother of 4 children, ages ranging from 4-15 and as of October 2016 I have been taking care of my grandfather, whom was diagnosed w/ dimentia prior to me moving in to assist him. Much of the rest of the family have little or nothing to do with him and rarely come over to visit although only a few miles seperates them. Over time his symptoms, understandably have accelerated and caring him has become much more difficult as I only have the medical knowledge that I have gained while researching different area/technoiques in efforts to make his daily routine as easy and manageable as possible.


Recently, I have been fortunate enough to have the help of an outside  entity where an certified nurse comes throughout the week to help rehabilitate certain aspects of his condition where I am unable to properly help. It is during her visits that I am able to relieve myself from caring for him and TRY to have some "me" time. Other family members have been trying to convince him that an assisted living facility and leave the only place he has ever known. While I understand that right now he is able to make hs own conscienable decisions, I do fear that ultimately I will have to let him go. It is because of this, that I am somehow able sometime in the near future to take him somewhere on a mini-vacation as that is somethong he often talks about. The kids and myself love hm "to the moon and back" (my 4yr old says), and find it hard to take a break FROM him as we want to treasure every moment we have left!!!

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