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Trapped in Panama City

My friend has a 90yo mother who is unwilling and unable to leave her house since the hurricane toppled a large tree on it. The mother has lived there for 20+ years and is widowed. She has ‘adopted’ 2 shady sisters who are now in her will. 

These sisters claim my friend can be charged with parental abandonment/neglect if she doesn’t drive 400 miles to take her into her home.

True or False?

Mother is house bound, cat bound, hard of hearing and in a wheelchair full time. She didn’t evacuate as told, thus her current situation isn’t the best. Fallen tree only broke some windows, as far as known.

These sisters run a cat rescue on a large parcel of land from what I’m told.

Any advice? 

TC Daniel
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@TimothyD134981 wrote:

My friend has a 90yo mother who is unwilling and unable to leave her house since the hurricane toppled a large tree on it. The mother has lived there for 20+ years and is widowed. She has ‘adopted’ 2 shady sisters who are now in her will. 

These sisters claim my friend can be charged with parental abandonment/neglect if she doesn’t drive 400 miles to take her into her home.

True or False?

Mother is house bound, cat bound, hard of hearing and in a wheelchair full time. She didn’t evacuate as told, thus her current situation isn’t the best. Fallen tree only broke some windows, as far as known.

These sisters run a cat rescue on a large parcel of land from what I’m told.

Any advice? 

Hi TC.


So, does she have an attorney?

I would think that the Shady Sisters may be guilty of elder abuse themselves. But i don't know.


But in the meanwhile, a tree has fallen: does she have electricity and water? Enough food? The Shady Sisters are demanding that your friend drive 400 miles to rescue her. I guess she has phone service? 


I trust FEMA is involved down there pretty heavily. Your friend could also see if the agency for aging is operational down there: put the zip code of the residence of this 90 year old mother into this web site: And then call that agency. Hopefully they at LEAST have a recording that says how to get help for older folks. Lots going on. Can she write this group? Or you give more details?  



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