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The recent discussions about funding for Meals On Wheels made me wonder about the organization and number of people that depend on social services to survive as a senior.
I looked up my state for statistics. (There is a state by state look up at the site.)
650,745 are isolated, living alone
375,362, are threatened by hunger
683,124. are living in or near poverty
The first thing I wonder about when I read this is what happened to the social structure of their families. I wondered about the years leading up to their senior years and what could have been done or steps taken to change these results. Looking at the situation now, I wonder what could be done to better address the causes than the results.
Any ideas?
I specifically did not post this in the Political Forum because my questions and thoughts are unrelated to the proposed funding changes.
Once we became a post-industrial and much more mobile society (IBM standing for I've Been Moved, for example) the safety nets of many extended family members living adjacent to or at least relatively nearby has diminished to an almost non-existent state.
And, absent great wealth on the part of a willing fmaily member of the elderly person(s) themselves, someone has to step in and assist. On the one hand, it is not, constitutionally, the governments' (Federal, State or local) role or obligation to provide services, to the extent it is (1) Necessary, (2) affordable and (3) possible services from the government, or even better, local religous and chairitable organizations, assistance can be provided that takes care of the minimum needed to maintain quality of life. Programs like "Meals on Wheels can be a hugs help to the elderly housebound and those programs receive the bulk of their funding from state and local governments and organizations and not from Federal funding so they can and should continue to exist.
Their are local transportation programs that can help get elderly folks to-from medical care, grocery shopping or the malls, etc. And those are very useful especially in areas where public transport is not readily available.
Assistance with managing administrative things like bill paying, doing taxes, etc. can be done but require a level of caution and oversight as thgere is high potential for fraud and abuse.
Basically, my belief is that we have an obligation to be self-sufficient and not reliant on government; but that at some point, that may change and if we have been responsible, productive tax-paying citizens then we have a right to expect some level of assistance to maintain a reasonable quality of life.
It is the elderly, the few survivors of the great depression and WWI and Korea that built the current economy and industrial and medical base and infrastructure. We owe them a debt of gratitude and respect that can never be fully repaid but that should include reasonable services to maintain their quality of life and dignity as they still have knowledge and experience to pass on to us before they leave us. Keep them always in your minds and prayers as you give thanks for what we have and what the future can be as we move forward to restore American greatness and world leadership.
@j868138h wrote:Once we became a post-industrial and much more mobile society (IBM standing for I've Been Moved, for example) the safety nets of many extended family members living adjacent to or at least relatively nearby has diminished to an almost non-existent state.
And, absent great wealth on the part of a willing fmaily member of the elderly person(s) themselves, someone has to step in and assist. >>
I have to point out that from the cut above you go on to explain all of the things that need to be done for these elderly members of society. You basically write off any family help by saying pretty much those days are over.
You however, failed to mention that these elderly persons are aware of their family situations and their own means long before aid will be needed. What do they need to do to establish a support system for themselves? I do not remove my responsibility for my later years care if my child (children) move. I am still responsible for taking steps to determine what I need and what can be done.
What do you think the individuals responsibility is?
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