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My husband has been moved to a rehab facility - Part II

As I mentioned, we knew this was coming. Husband has Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, meaning he has extreme weakness in his limbs and can't stand unassisted. He also has epilepsy, is legally blind and has macular degeneration plus other eye issues. All of this has been ongoing and worsening in the 26 years we've been married.


We married late in life -- I was 38, he was 45 -- and lived alone before then. Now I'm facing living alone again, while also worrying about finances, and helping him as best I can from a distance of sorts. One thing in the facility's favor is that it's only about 10 minutes away by bus, so we can see each other fairly frequently and of course we can talk by phone as necessary. My problem is that I am having a very hard time managing by myself. Without having someone else to care for, it's really difficult for me to care about taking care of myself. I am trying to stay fairly positive by saying some costs will go down -- he won't be at home all day so the electric bill will go lower, the cost of food will be lower as well. One thing I know will be necessary is to have maid service at least once a month because I am a HORRIBLE housekeeper. He really was the one who made our condo livable. So, yes, I'm really struggling without him, and that includes emotionally.


There is a sense of relief that someone else can assume the burden of helping him 24/7, but the hardest thing is that I'm discovering how lonely I am. I don't feel I can get a pet (cat) as long as I have to keep working -- I have five more years minimum until I can retire, and I don't want more than one cat now that I'm older. 


What I really want is to have a good cry, but I just can't seem to let it go. Every time I talk to my husband he asks, "How are you doing?" and I give my standard answer of "I'm hanging in." 

Honored Social Butterfly

[Monday 9/9/24]


Dear Cair @cair124 , I DONOT have any solutions for your Caregiving issues but wanted to stop by to say Our Group KNOWS what you are dealing with. Alot of us WERE Caregivers and NOW trying to pick up the pieces. I AM SO SORRY you are feeling lonely dear friend. Luv you, Nicole  🤗🤗🤗  (Grief Forum)




What I really want is to have a good cry, but I just can't seem to let it go. Every time I talk to my husband he asks, "How are you doing?" and I give my standard answer of "I'm hanging in."

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