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im a 58 year old stroke survivor just out of stroke rehab, I want my caregiver to be paid for round the clock service. my life will never be the same post stroke. My career is over in software development. 

i'd fought years just tobeat the racial divide and I know they will never accept a person of color who has had a stroke. please help if you have any info. 

AARP Expert

@b7223r wrote:

im a 58 year old stroke survivor just out of stroke rehab, I want my caregiver to be paid for round the clock service. my life will never be the same post stroke. My career is over in software development. 

i'd fought years just tobeat the racial divide and I know they will never accept a person of color who has had a stroke. please help if you have any info. 

Hi there, Stroke Survivor & Software Developer!

I bet you've had a struggle being a bright star in your field but dealing with daily racism and microaggressions. And now, boom, a stroke. Here are some ideas. I hope one of them is helpful to you.

Is there a Software Developer group for people of color? There are Black Doctors, Pacific Islander Nursing associations... I'm wondering if you reach out to your colleagues-of-color, might there be a part time gig that you could do? Or maybe you could comb your LinkedIn contacts?


If the stroke has taken away this ability, then, have you applied for social security disability?

As for having a 'round the clock' caregiver, the medicaid programs that i'm familiar with pay at most 8 or 10 hours a day, weekdays, and you obviously have to have medicaid. 


Do you live alone? Do you have any family who could spend nights, move into a spare bedroom and in exchange for free room and board, be 'on call' to you at night? Some nephew, say, who's looking for cheap housing while he goes to college or works and saves up for an apartment? What are your night needs? Can you put a bedside commode next to your bed so you don't have to go so far in the night to pee?  (Sorry to be so graphic... but night needs tend to be related to pee needs...)


You can find out what's going on in Arizona by finding your area agency on aging at and type in your zip code. then have a candid conversation with the social workers there to find out what's possible.


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You are a survivor of many (mis)adventures. This is another thing to survive. How can we help? 



who is a DC Native, living in Oregon now

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