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Periodic Contributor


My husband has Parkinson's Disease I think he is starting to have Demita. He gets angry really fast and he getting obsessed with how certain things have to be put or arranged!! He can be really verbally mean when he talks to me. I try to remember he cant help it but sometimes I just want to tell him to shut up that makes it worse. He can be a bully sometimes now too are these signs of Dementia starting ?? Jellybean

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Periodic Contributor

As the other replies said, it is very important to talk to his doctor & learn about dementia. 

Do you ever get a break from being around your husband? In these types of situations, even though you know he can't help it, it is really beneficial for your health, physically and mentally, to be able to "get away" on a REGULAR basis. Sometimes, retired folks are kind of 'stuck in the house all day' with each other, and that contributes to the frustration. 


Other than getting away from the house, maybe having visitors might help, too.

Please don't hesitate to ask others for help. There might be someone in your neighborhood, who would love to visit with you, to sit with your hubby while you take a break, or to take you out to lunch.


Good Luck to you!

AARP Expert

Hey Jellybean,

Jen has a great resource for you in her reply. It's spelled dementia, pronounced duh-men-sha. It helps you learn more as you google for information when you know how to spell it. weird word, i know. 


Are YOU Robert Bean or is that your husband?


I would definitely go with him to his doctor's appointment. Parkinson's expresses itself differently in people, but stubbornness and agitation is sadly very common.


Tell us more?


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Community Concierge

@robertmbean wrote:

My husband has Parkinson's Disease I think he is starting to have Demita. He gets angry really fast and he getting obsessed with how certain things have to be put or arranged!! He can be really verbally mean when he talks to me. I try to remember he cant help it but sometimes I just want to tell him to shut up that makes it worse. He can be a bully sometimes now too are these signs of Dementia starting ?? Jellybean


I am so sorry to hear this. Have you been to the doctor yet for a diagnosis? I would like to direct you to our Dementia Care Guide, which will walk you through the steps of this journey. You can view it, for free, HERE. Please do come back and tell us how things are going. 

Caregiving Concierge
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