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Dementia Expert Series

We know that Dementia can take a devastating emotional, financial and physical toll on the families of those with this diagnosis.


To help, we are hosting a four week Expert Series on Dementia.  AARP Expert, Sarah Locke, will be discussing themes mentioned below each week.  Take this opportunity to get questions answered or share your own experiences.


Sarah Lock is Senior Vice President for Policy and Brain Health in AARP’s Policy, Research and International. She leads policy initiatives on brain health and care for people living with dementia and is Executive Director of the Global Council on Brain Health, an independent collaborative of scientists, doctors and policy experts convened by AARP to provide trusted information on brain health.  Ms. Lock serves on the Steering Committee for the National Research Summit on Care, Services, and Supports for Persons with Dementia and Their Caregivers, on HHS’ Administration on Community Living Aging and Cognitive Health Technical Expert Advisory Board, and on Dementia Friendly America’s National Council. Prior to AARP, she served at the Department of Justice, the office of Congressman Michael D. Barnes, and the firm Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin, & Kahn. She holds a JD from the University of Maryland.


Week 1 –   Are you having trouble telling the difference between normal aging and dementia?  Ask here.


Week 2 -  How does your family divide up the responsibilities of caring for your loved one with dementia?  Share what works for you or ask advice from others who have taken this journey.  Share now


Week 3  -   Some days, do the symptoms seem so much worse than other days?  Talk about this with our expert.  Discuss now. (link to be updated)


Week 4 -   What are some of the greatest challenges you face caring for a loved one with dementia?  Get some great answers from our expert.  Share and learn now


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